Brian Whitaker
Brian Whitaker
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The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale
JJ Dahling, BG Whitaker, PE Levy
Journal of management 35 (2), 219-257, 2009
The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance
BG Whitaker, JJ Dahling, P Levy
Journal of Management 33 (4), 570-591, 2007
Linking feedback quality and goal orientation to feedback seeking and job performance
BG Whitaker, P Levy
Human performance 25 (2), 159-178, 2012
A hierarchical factor analysis of a safety culture survey
CB Frazier, TD Ludwig, B Whitaker, DS Roberts
Journal of safety research 45, 15-28, 2013
Method for assessing improvement in hand hygiene practices
PA Taylor, BG Whitaker
US Patent 7,271,728, 2007
The antecedents of moral imagination in the workplace: A social cognitive theory perspective
BG Whitaker, LN Godwin
Journal of Business Ethics 114, 61-73, 2013
Empathy as an antecedent of social justice attitudes and perceptions
M Cartabuke, JW Westerman, JZ Bergman, BG Whitaker, J Westerman, ...
Journal of Business Ethics 157, 605-615, 2019
Work-life conflict among US long-haul truck drivers: Influences of work organization, perceived job stress, sleep, and organizational support
A Hege, MK Lemke, Y Apostolopoulos, B Whitaker, S Sönmez
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (6), 984, 2019
Linking spirituality and values to personal initiative through psychological empowerment
BG Whitaker, JW Westerman
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 11 (3), 269-291, 2014
The influence of autonomy and supervisor political skill on the use and consequences of peer intimidation in organizations
BG Whitaker, JJ Dahling
Human Performance 26 (5), 353-373, 2013
When can feedback-seeking behavior result in a better performance rating? Investigating the moderating role of political skill
JJ Dahling, BG Whitaker
Human Performance 29 (2), 73-88, 2016
Internet-based attitude assessment: does gender affect measurement equivalence?
BG Whitaker
Computers in Human Behavior 23 (3), 1183-1194, 2007
Faculty narcissism and student outcomes in business higher education: A student-faculty fit analysis
JW Westerman, BG Whitaker, JZ Bergman, SM Bergman, JP Daly
The International Journal of Management Education 14 (2), 63-73, 2016
Assessing the measurement invariance of latent job satisfaction ratings across survey administration modes for respondent subgroups: A MIMIC modeling approach
BG Whitaker, JL McKinney
Behavior Research Methods 39 (3), 502-509, 2007
Linking the feedback environment to feedback seeking through perceptions of organizational support and job involvement
BG Whitaker
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 14 (3), 385-404, 2011
The Development and Validation of the Appreciative Intelligence® Scale
B Whitaker, T Thatchenkery, LN Godwin
Human Performance 33 (2-3), 191-213, 2020
Extreme careerism and supervisor reactions to peer intimidation
B Whitaker
Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-5, 2011
Does social justice knowledge matter? Education for sustainable development and student attitudes
JH Westerman, JW Westerman, BG Whitaker
Environment, development and sustainability 18, 561-576, 2016
The longitudinal influence of narcissism in the team context
R Felty, BG Whitaker, SM Bergman, JZ Bergman
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 18 (2), 147-176, 2015
Discharge policy information in the job offer letter: Its impact on recruit perceptions of psychological contract formation and organizational attraction
J McKinney, BG Whitaker, H Hindman
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 24, 55-75, 2012
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