Ana Cristina Pires
Ana Cristina Pires
其他姓名AC Pires, A Pires
Interactive Technologies Institute, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Gaze transition entropy
K Krejtz, A Duchowski, T Szmidt, I Krejtz, F González Perilli, A Pires, ...
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 13 (1), 1-20, 2015
Learning maths with a tangible user interface: Lessons learned through participatory design with children with visual impairments and their educators
AC Pires, E Bakala, F González-Perilli, G Sansone, B Fleischer, ...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 32, 100382, 2022
Building blocks of mathematical learning: Virtual and tangible manipulatives lead to different strategies in number composition
AC Pires, F González Perilli, E Bakała, B Fleisher, G Sansone, S Marichal
Frontiers in Education 4, 81, 2019
Ceta: designing mixed-reality tangible interaction to enhance mathematical learning
S Marichal, A Rosales, FG Perilli, AC Pires, E Bakala, G Sansone, J Blat
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2017
Exploring accessible programming with educators and visually impaired children
AC Pires, F Rocha, AJ de Barros Neto, H Simão, H Nicolau, T Guerreiro
Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference, 148-160, 2020
A translational framework of educational neuroscience in learning disorders
T Dresler, S Bugden, C Gouet, M Lallier, DG Oliveira, P Pinheiro-Chagas, ...
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 12, 25, 2018
Accembly at home: Accessible spatial programming for children with visual impairments and their families
F Rocha, AC Pires, I Neto, H Nicolau, T Guerreiro
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
Estimating the duration of visual stimuli in motion environments
J Mate, AC Pires, G Campoy, S Estaún
Psicológica 30 (2), 287-300, 2009
A Tangible Math Game for Visually Impaired Children
AC Pires, S Marichal, F Gonzalez-Perilli, E Bakala, B Fleischer, ...
The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and …, 2019
Temporal perception and delay aversion: A videogame screening tool for the early detection of ADHD
A Méndez, A Martín, AC Pires, A Vásquez, A Maiche, F González, ...
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento 7 (3), 00-00, 2015
TACTOPI: A playful approach to promote computational thinking for visually impaired children
L Abreu, AC Pires, T Guerreiro
Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2020
Children's expectations about training the approximate number system
MR Dillon, AC Pires, DC Hyde, E Spelke
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 33 (4), 411-418, 2015
PartiPlay: A Participatory Game Design Kit for Neurodiverse Classrooms
P Piedade, I Neto, AC Pires, R Prada, H Nicolau
Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2023
Legoworld: Repurposing commodity tools & technologies to create an accessible and customizable programming environment
G Cardoso, AC Pires, LV Abreu, F Rocha, T Guerreiro
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
TACTOPI: Exploring Play with an Inclusive Multisensory Environment for Children with Mixed-Visual Abilities
AC Pires, LV Abreu, F Rocha, H Simão, J Guerreiro, H Nicolau, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2023
S Marichal, A Rosales, G Sansone, AC Pires, E Bakala, FG Perilli, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2018
Coding Together: On Co-located and Remote Collaboration between Children with Mixed-Visual Abilities
F Rocha, F Correia, I Neto, AC Pires, J Guerreiro, T Guerreiro, H Nicolau
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Fostering collaboration with asymmetric roles in accessible programming environments for children with mixed-visual-abilities
F Rocha, G Guimarães, D Gonçalves, AC Pires, LV Abreu, T Guerreiro
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2021
Carrier-pigeon robot: promoting interactions among older adults in a care home
H Simão, A Pires, D Gonçalves, T Guerreiro
Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2020
Manual de introducción a la psicología cognitiva
P Ruiz, I Apud, A Maiche, H González, AC Pires, A Carboni, L Aznárez
Recuperado de https://cognicion. psico. edu. uy/sites/cognicion. psico. edu …, 2016
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