M. Fatih Toy
M. Fatih Toy
Istanbul Medipol University, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
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Marker-free phase nanoscopy
Y Cotte, F Toy, P Jourdain, N Pavillon, D Boss, P Magistretti, P Marquet, ...
Nature Photonics 7 (2), 113-117, 2013
Microscopy image resolution improvement by deconvolution of complex fields
Y Cotte, MF Toy, N Pavillon, C Depeursinge
Optics Express 18 (19), 19462-19478, 2010
Uncooled infrared thermo-mechanical detector array: Design, fabrication and testing
MF Toy, O Ferhanoglu, H Torun, H Urey
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 156 (1), 88-94, 2009
Enhanced robustness digital holographic microscopy for demanding environment of space biology
MF Toy, S Richard, J Kühn, A Franco-Obregón, M Egli, C Depeursinge
Biomedical Optics Express 3 (2), 313-326, 2012
Digital holographic microscopy real-time monitoring of cytoarchitectural alterations during simulated microgravity
C Pache, J Kühn, K Westphal, MF Toy, J Parent, O Büchi, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 15, 026021, 2010
Two-wavelength grating interferometry for MEMS sensors
O Ferhanoglu, MF Toy, H Urey
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 19 (23), 1895-1897, 2007
Accelerated autofocusing of off-axis holograms using critical sampling
M Fatih Toy, J Kühn, S Richard, J Parent, M Egli, C Depeursinge
Optics Letters 37 (24), 5094-5096, 2012
Realistic 3D coherent transfer function inverse filtering of complex fields
Y Cotte, FM Toy, C Arfire, SS Kou, D Boss, I Bergoënd, C Depeursinge
Biomedical Optics Express 2 (8), 2216-2230, 2011
Sub-Rayleigh resolution by phase imaging
Y Cotte, MF Toy, E Shaffer, N Pavillon, C Depeursinge
Optics letters 35 (13), 2176-2178, 2010
Real-time holographic tracking and control of microrobots
A Hong, B Zeydan, S Charreyron, O Ergeneman, S Pane, MF Toy, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (1), 143-148, 2016
Beyond the lateral resolution limit by phase imaging
Y Cotte, MF Toy, C Depeursinge
Journal of Biomedical Optics 16, 106007, 2011
A Speckle-Enhanced Prism Spectrometer With High Dynamic Range
ŞK Çetindağ, MF Toy, O Ferhanoğlu, F Çivitci
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (24), 2139-2142, 2018
Fourier optics analysis of grating sensors with tilt errors
O Ferhanoglu, MF Toy, H Urey
Optics letters 36 (12), 2254-2256, 2011
Dual-mode digital holographic and fluorescence microscopy for the study of morphological changes in cells under simulated microgravity
MF Toy, C Pache, J Parent, J Kühn, M Egli, C Depeursinge
Proceedings of SPIE 7570, 75700A, 2010
Scattering metal waveguide based speckle-enhanced prism spectrometry
SK Çetindağ, MF Toy, O Ferhanoğlu, F Civitci
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (7), 2022-2027, 2020
Wedge prism assisted quantitative phase imaging on standard microscopes
MF Toy
Optics Communications 451, 361-366, 2019
Digital holographic microscopy for the cytomorphological imaging of cells under zero gravity
MF Toy, S Richard, J Kühn, A Franco-Obregón, M Egli, C Depeursinge
Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and …, 2012
Visualizing hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide dynamics in endothelial cells using multispectral imaging under controlled oxygen conditions
HY Altun, M Secilmis, F Yang, TA Caglar, E Vatandaslar, MF Toy, S Vilain, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 221, 89-97, 2024
Parylene-based uncooled thermomechanical array
O Ferhanoglu, MF Toy, H Urey
Infrared Technology and Applications XXXV 7298, 194-201, 2009
Vacuum package design for a MEMS based IR detector array
J Ollila, MF Toy, O Ferhanoglu, P Karioja, H Urey
Proceedings of the European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, Oulu, 2007
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