Shuguang Han
Shuguang Han
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Deep Keyphrase Generation
R Meng, S Zhao, S Han, D He, P Brusilovsky, Y Chi
The 55th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2017
Learning-to-Rank with BERT in TF-Ranking
S Han, X Wang, M Bendersky, M Najork
Google Tech Report 2020, 2020
A Stochastic Treatment of Learning to Rank Scoring Functions
S Bruch, S Han, M Bendersky, M Najork
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2020), 2020
Understanding and supporting cross-device web search for exploratory tasks with mobile touch interactions
S Han, Z Yue, D He
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 33 (4), 1-34, 2015
Towards Understanding the Overfitting Phenomenon of Deep Click-Through Rate Models
ZY Zhang, XR Sheng, Y Zhang, B Jiang, S Han, H Deng, B Zheng
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states
SY Chien, YL Lin, PJ Lee, S Han, M Lewis, K Sycara
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 117, 30-44, 2018
Modeling Search Processes using Hidden States in Collaborative Exploratory Web Search
Z Yue, S Han, D He
The 17th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social …, 2014
Supporting Exploratory People Search: A Study of Factor Transparency and User Control
S Han, D He, J Jiang, Z Yue
The 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge …, 2013
Capturing delayed feedback in conversion rate prediction via elapsed-time sampling
JQ Yang, X Li, S Han, T Zhuang, DC Zhan, X Zeng, B Tong
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (5), 4582-4589, 2021
A framework for dynamic knowledge modeling in textbook-based learning
Y Huang, M Yudelson, S Han, D He, P Brusilovsky
Proceedings of the 2016 conference on user modeling adaptation and …, 2016
An investigation of search processes in collaborative exploratory web search
Z Yue, S Han, D He
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2012
A review of the major projects constituting the China Academic Digital Library
X Shen, Z Zheng, S Han, C Shen
The Electronic Library 26 (1), 39-54, 2008
PITT at TREC 2011 Session Track
J Jiang, S Han, J Wu, D He
KEEP: An industrial pre-training framework for online recommendation via knowledge extraction and plugging
Y Zhang, Z Chan, S Xu, W Bian, S Han, H Deng, B Zheng
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Influences on query reformulation in collaborative web search
Z Yue, S Han, D He, J Jiang
Computer 47 (3), 46-53, 2014
Ensemble distillation for bert-based ranking models
H Zhuang, Z Qin, S Han, X Wang, M Bendersky, M Najork
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of …, 2021
Personalized search: Reconsidering the value of open user models
J Ahn, P Brusilovsky, S Han
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on intelligent user …, 2015
陆伟, 韩曙光
情报学报 27 (5), 657-663, 2008
Crowdsourcing human annotation on web page structure: Infrastructure design and behavior-based quality control
S Han, P Dai, P Paritosh, D Huynh
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (4), 1-25, 2016
RRF102: Meeting the TREC-COVID challenge with a 100+ runs ensemble
M Bendersky, H Zhuang, J Ma, S Han, K Hall, R McDonald
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00200, 2020
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