Yunlong Shang(商云龙) Professor
Yunlong Shang(商云龙) Professor
在 sdu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A data-driven approach with uncertainty quantification for predicting future capacities and remaining useful life of lithium-ion battery
K Liu, Y Shang, Q Ouyang, WD Widanage
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (4), 3170-3180, 2020
A correlation based fault detection method for short circuits in battery packs
B Xia, Y Shang, T Nguyen, C Mi
Journal of power Sources 337, 1-10, 2017
A Cell-to-Cell Battery Equalizer With Zero-Current Switching and Zero-Voltage Gap Based on Quasi-Resonant LC Converter and Boost Converter
Y Shang, C Zhang, N Cui, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (7), 3731-3747, 2014
A multi-fault diagnosis method based on modified Sample Entropy for lithium-ion battery strings
Y Shang, G Lu, Y Kang, Z Zhou, B Duan, C Zhang
Journal of power sources 446, 227275, 2020
Towards long lifetime battery: AI-based manufacturing and management
K Liu, Z Wei, C Zhang, Y Shang, R Teodorescu, QL Han
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 9 (7), 1139-1165, 2022
An automatic equalizer based on forward–flyback converter for series-connected battery strings
Y Shang, B Xia, C Zhang, N Cui, J Yang, CC Mi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (7), 5380-5391, 2017
A multi-fault diagnostic method based on an interleaved voltage measurement topology for series connected battery packs
Y Kang, B Duan, Z Zhou, Y Shang, C Zhang
Journal of Power Sources 417, 132-144, 2019
A delta-structured switched-capacitor equalizer for series-connected battery strings
Y Shang, C Zhang, N Cui, CC Mi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (1), 452-461, 2018
A switched-coupling-capacitor equalizer for series-connected battery strings
Y Shang, B Xia, F Lu, C Zhang, N Cui, CC Mi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (10), 7694-7706, 2016
Online multi-fault detection and diagnosis for battery packs in electric vehicles
Y Kang, B Duan, Z Zhou, Y Shang, C Zhang
Applied energy 259, 114170, 2020
A novel fractional variable-order equivalent circuit model and parameter identification of electric vehicle Li-ion batteries
Q Zhang, Y Shang, Y Li, N Cui, B Duan, C Zhang
ISA transactions 97, 448-457, 2020
Analysis and optimization of star-structured switched-capacitor equalizers for series-connected battery strings
Y Shang, N Cui, B Duan, C Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (11), 9631-9646, 2017
Adaptive state-of-charge estimation based on a split battery model for electric vehicle applications
J Yang, B Xia, Y Shang, W Huang, CC Mi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (12), 10889-10898, 2017
A compact resonant switched-capacitor heater for lithium-ion battery self-heating at low temperatures
Y Shang, K Liu, N Cui, N Wang, K Li, C Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (7), 7134-7144, 2019
An efficient screening method for retired lithium-ion batteries based on support vector machine
Z Zhou, B Duan, Y Kang, Y Shang, N Cui, L Chang, C Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 267, 121882, 2020
A sine-wave heating circuit for automotive battery self-heating at subzero temperatures
Y Shang, K Liu, N Cui, Q Zhang, C Zhang
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 16 (5), 3355-3365, 2019
A novel remaining useful life prediction method for lithium-ion battery based on long short-term memory network optimized by improved sparrow search algorithm
Y Liu, J Sun, Y Shang, X Zhang, S Ren, D Wang
Journal of Energy Storage 61, 106645, 2023
Multicell-to-Multicell Equalizers Based on Matrix and Half-Bridge LC Converters for Series-Connected Battery Strings
Y Shang, Q Zhang, N Cui, B Duan, Z Zhou, C Zhang
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (2 …, 2019
An integrated heater equalizer for lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles
Y Shang, C Zhu, Y Fu, CC Mi
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 66 (6), 4398-4405, 2018
A cell-to-cell equalizer based on three-resonant-state switched-capacitor converters for series-connected battery strings
Y Shang, Q Zhang, N Cui, C Zhang
Energies 10 (2), 206, 2017
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