Seddik Bacha
Seddik Bacha
Grenoble Alpes University G2Elab
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Cited by
Optimal power flow management for grid connected PV systems with batteries
Y Riffonneau, S Bacha, F Barruel, S Ploix
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 2 (3), 309-320, 2011
Overview of energy storage in renewable energy systems
SO Amrouche, D Rekioua, T Rekioua, S Bacha
International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (45), 20914-20927, 2016
Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control
S Bacha, I Munteanu, AI Bratcu
Springer, 2014
Springer handbook of mechanical engineering
KH Grote, H Hefazi
Springer Nature, 2021
Cascaded dc–dc converter photovoltaic systems: Power optimization issues
AI Bratcu, I Munteanu, S Bacha, D Picault, B Raison
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (2), 403-411, 2011
Managing energy smart homes according to energy prices: analysis of a building energy management system
R Missaoui, H Joumaa, S Ploix, S Bacha
Energy and Buildings 71, 155-167, 2014
Forecasting photovoltaic array power production subject to mismatch losses
D Picault, B Raison, S Bacha, J De La Casa, J Aguilera
Solar Energy 84 (7), 1301-1309, 2010
Sizing stand-alone photovoltaic–wind hybrid system: Techno-economic analysis and optimization
H Belmili, M Haddadi, S Bacha, MF Almi, B Bendib
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 30, 821-832, 2014
Advanced solutions in power systems: HVDC, FACTS, and Artificial Intelligence
M Eremia, CC Liu, AA Edris
(No Title), 2016
Overview of DC–DC converters dedicated to HVdc grids
JD Paez, D Frey, J Maneiro, S Bacha, P Dworakowski
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (1), 119-128, 2018
Photovoltaics in microgrids: An overview of grid integration and energy management aspects
S Bacha, D Picault, B Burger, I Etxeberria-Otadui, J Martins
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 9 (1), 33-46, 2015
Maximizing the power output of partially shaded photovoltaic plants through optimization of the interconnections among its modules
LFL Villa, D Picault, B Raison, S Bacha, A Labonne
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2 (2), 154-163, 2012
New optimized PWM VSC control structures and strategies under unbalanced voltage transients
I Etxeberria-Otadui, U Viscarret, M Caballero, A Rufer, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (5), 2902-2914, 2007
Real-time analysis of the transient response improvement of fixed-speed wind farms by using a reduced-scale STATCOM prototype
H Gaztanaga, I Etxeberria-Otadui, D Ocnasu, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on power systems 22 (2), 658-666, 2007
Optimal minimization of plug-in electric vehicle charging cost with vehicle-to-home and vehicle-to-grid concepts
H Turker, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (11), 10281-10292, 2018
Nonintrusive load monitoring: A temporal multilabel classification approach
K Basu, V Debusschere, S Bacha, U Maulik, S Bondyopadhyay
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 11 (1), 262-270, 2014
Space vector method for voltage dips and swells analysis
V Ignatova, P Granjon, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (4), 2054-2061, 2009
Contribution to frequency control through wind turbine inertial energy storage
A Teninge, C Jecu, D Roye, S Bacha, J Duval, R Belhomme
IET Renewable Power Generation 3 (3), 358-370, 2009
Hybrid energy storage system microgrids integration for power quality improvement using four-leg three-level NPC inverter and second-order sliding mode control
Q Tabart, I Vechiu, A Etxeberria, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (1), 424-435, 2017
Ancillary services and optimal household energy management with photovoltaic production
C Clastres, TTH Pham, F Wurtz, S Bacha
Energy 35 (1), 55-64, 2010
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Articles 1–20