Hua Xu
Hua Xu
Computer Science Tenured Associate Professor,Tsinghua University
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A new dominance relation-based evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimization
Y Yuan, H Xu, B Wang, X Yao
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 20 (1), 16-37, 2015
Chinese comments sentiment classification based on word2vec and SVMperf
D Zhang, H Xu, Z Su, Y Xu
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (4), 1857-1863, 2015
Learning modality-specific representations with self-supervised multi-task learning for multimodal sentiment analysis
W Yu, H Xu, Z Yuan, J Wu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (12), 10790 …, 2021
Balancing convergence and diversity in decomposition-based many-objective optimizers
Y Yuan, H Xu, B Wang, B Zhang, X Yao
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 20 (2), 180-198, 2015
Ch-sims: A chinese multimodal sentiment analysis dataset with fine-grained annotation of modality
W Yu, H Xu, F Meng, Y Zhu, Y Ma, J Wu, J Zou, K Yang
Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2020
Clustering product features for opinion mining
Z Zhai, B Liu, H Xu, P Jia
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and …, 2011
Text-based emotion classification using emotion cause extraction
W Li, H Xu
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (4), 1742-1749, 2014
Weakness Finder: Find product weakness from Chinese reviews by using aspects based sentiment analysis
W Zhang, H Xu, W Wan
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (11), 10283-10291, 2012
Multiobjective flexible job shop scheduling using memetic algorithms
Y Yuan, H Xu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (1), 336-353, 2013
An improved NSGA-III procedure for evolutionary many-objective optimization
Y Yuan, H Xu, B Wang
Proceedings of the 2014 annual conference on genetic and evolutionary …, 2014
A hybrid harmony search algorithm for the flexible job shop scheduling problem
Y Yuan, H Xu, J Yang
Applied soft computing 13 (7), 3259-3272, 2013
Deep unknown intent detection with margin loss
TE Lin, H Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00434, 2019
Constrained LDA for grouping product features in opinion mining
Z Zhai, B Liu, H Xu, P Jia
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia …, 2011
A rule-based approach to emotion cause detection for Chinese micro-blogs
K Gao, H Xu, J Wang
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (9), 4517-4528, 2015
Grouping product features using semi-supervised learning with soft-constraints
Z Zhai, B Liu, H Xu, P Jia
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Evolutionary multitasking in permutation-based combinatorial optimization problems: Realization with TSP, QAP, LOP, and JSP
Y Yuan, YS Ong, A Gupta, PS Tan, H Xu
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 3157-3164, 2016
Flexible job shop scheduling using hybrid differential evolution algorithms
Y Yuan, H Xu
Computers & Industrial Engineering 65 (2), 246-260, 2013
A heuristic-based hybrid genetic-variable neighborhood search algorithm for task scheduling in heterogeneous multiprocessor system
Y Wen, H Xu, J Yang
Information Sciences 181 (3), 567-581, 2011
Cm-bert: Cross-modal bert for text-audio sentiment analysis
K Yang, H Xu, K Gao
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia, 521-528, 2020
Representation iterative fusion based on heterogeneous graph neural network for joint entity and relation extraction
K Zhao, H Xu, Y Cheng, X Li, K Gao
Knowledge-Based Systems 219, 106888, 2021
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Articles 1–20