a asenov
a asenov
在 glasgow.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
A Asenov
K46, 1718, 1999
Intrinsic parameter fluctuations in decananometer MOSFETs introduced by gate line edge roughness
A Asenov, S Kaya, AR Brown
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 50 (5), 1254-1260, 2003
Simulation of intrinsic parameter fluctuations in decananometer and nanometer-scale MOSFETs
A Asenov, AR Brown, JH Davies, S Kaya, G Slavcheva
IEEE transactions on electron devices 50 (9), 1837-1852, 2003
1 μm gate length, In 0.75 Ga0. 25 As channel, thin body n-MOSFET on InP substrate with transconductance of 737 μm
RJW Hill, R Droopad, DAJ Moran, X Li, H Zhou, D Macintyre, S Thorns, ...
Electronics Letters 44 (7), 498-500, 2008
Design and fabrication of memory devices based on nanoscale polyoxometalate clusters
C Busche, L Vila-Nadal, J Yan, HN Miras, DL Long, VP Georgiev, ...
Nature 515 (7528), 545-549, 2014
Simulation study of individual and combined sources of intrinsic parameter fluctuations in conventional nano-MOSFETs
G Roy, AR Brown, F Adamu-Lema, S Roy, A Asenov
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 53 (12), 3063-3070, 2006
RTS amplitudes in decananometer MOSFETs: 3-D simulation study
A Asenov, R Balasubramaniam, AR Brown, JH Davies
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 50 (3), 839-845, 2003
Statistical variability and reliability in nanoscale FinFETs
X Wang, AR Brown, B Cheng, A Asenov
2011 International electron devices meeting, 5.4. 1-5.4. 4, 2011
Intrinsic threshold voltage fluctuations in decanano MOSFETs due to local oxide thickness variations
A Asenov, S Kaya, JH Davies
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 49 (1), 112-119, 2002
Increase in the random dopant induced threshold fluctuations and lowering in sub-100 nm MOSFETs due to quantum effects: A 3-D density-gradient simulation study
A Asenov, G Slavcheva, AR Brown, JH Davies, S Saini
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 48 (4), 722-729, 2001
Suppression of random dopant-induced threshold voltage fluctuations in sub-0.1-/spl mu/m MOSFET's with epitaxial and/spl delta/-doped channels
A Asenov, S Saini
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 46 (8), 1718-1724, 1999
Enhancement-Mode GaAs MOSFETs With an In0. 3 Ga0. 7As Channel, a Mobility of Over 5000 cm2/V· s, and Transconductance of Over 475 μS/μm
RJW Hill, DAJ Moran, X Li, H Zhou, D Macintyre, S Thoms, A Asenov, ...
Electron Device Letters, IEEE 28 (12), 1080-1082, 2007
Si/SiGe heterostructure parameters for device simulations
L Yang, JR Watling, RCW Wilkins, M Boriçi, JR Barker, A Asenov, S Roy
Semiconductor science and technology 19, 1174, 2004
A self-consistent full 3-D real-space NEGF simulator for studying nonperturbative effects in nano-MOSFETs
A Martinez, M Bescond, JR Barker, A Svizhenko, MP Anantram, C Millar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (9), 2213-2222, 2007
Poly-Si-gate-related variability in decananometer MOSFETs with conventional architecture
AR Brown, G Roy, A Asenov
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (11), 3056-3063, 2007
Simulation of statistical variability in nano MOSFETs
A Asenov
2007 IEEE symposium on VLSI technology, 86-87, 2007
Statistical threshold-voltage variability in scaled decananometer bulk HKMG MOSFETs: a full-scale 3-D simulation scaling study
X Wang, AR Brown, N Idris, S Markov, G Roy, A Asenov
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 58 (8), 2293-2301, 2011
Where do the dopants go?
S Roy, A Asenov
Science 309 (5733), 388, 2005
Impact of metal gate granularity on threshold voltage variability: A full-scale three-dimensional statistical simulation study
AR Brown, NM Idris, JR Watling, A Asenov
IEEE Electron Device Letters 31 (11), 1199-1201, 2010
Intrinsic fluctuations in sub 10-nm double-gate MOSFETs introduced by discreteness of charge and matter
AR Brown, A Asenov, JR Watling
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 1 (4), 195-200, 2003
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