Maria Giovanna Di Trani
Maria Giovanna Di Trani
PhD in Biophysics, Centro Fermi - Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi
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Mean diffusivity discriminates between prostate cancer with grade group 1&2 and grade groups equal to or greater than 3
M Nezzo, MG Di Trani, A Caporale, R Miano, A Mauriello, P Bove, ...
European Journal of Radiology 85 (10), 1794-1801, 2016
Performance of diffusion kurtosis imaging versus diffusion tensor imaging in discriminating between benign tissue, low and high Gleason grade prostate cancer
MG Di Trani, M Nezzo, AS Caporale, R De Feo, R Miano, A Mauriello, ...
Academic Radiology 26 (10), 1328-1337, 2019
Novel artificial intelligence approach for automatic differentiation of fetal occiput anterior and non‐occiput anterior positions during labor
T Ghi, F Conversano, R Ramirez Zegarra, P Pisani, A Dall'Asta, ...
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (1), 93-99, 2022
Apparent diffusion coefficient assessment of brain development in normal fetuses and ventriculomegaly
MG Di Trani, L Manganaro, A Antonelli, M Guerreri, R De Feo, C Catalano, ...
Frontiers in Physics 7, 160, 2019
A multi-parametric investigation on waterlogged wood using a magnetic resonance imaging clinical scanner
S Longo, F Egizi, V Stagno, MG Di Trani, G Marchelletta, T Gili, E Fazio, ...
Forests 14 (2), 276, 2023
A deep learning approach to identify the fetal head position using transperineal ultrasound during labor
RR Zegarra, F Conversano, A Dall'Asta, MG Di Trani, S Fieni, R Morello, ...
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 301 ¡K, 2024
Acquisition Parameters Influence Diffusion Metrics Effectiveness in Probing Prostate Tumor and Age-Related Microstructure
AS Caporale, M Nezzo, MG Di Trani, A Maiuro, R Miano, P Bove, ...
Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (5), 860, 2023
Computer-implemented method and system for determining the fetus ventricular volume from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, and related nmr ventricle volume ¡K
S Capuani, M Borrelli, G Pratesi, MG Di Trani, L Manganaro
US Patent App. 18/255,687, 2024
OP01. 04: Automatic identification of fetal occiput positions using intrapartum transperineal ultrasound and convolutional neural networks
A Dall'Asta, M Di Trani, G Schera, R Morello, G Morganelli, F Conversano, ...
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 62, 48-48, 2023
OC02. 02: Artificial intelligence for automatic classification of anterior/posterior/transverse occiput positions using transperineal sonography.
A Dall'Asta, F Conversano, M Minopoli, G Martignon, M Di Trani, ...
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 60, 2022
Denoised Diffusion Weighted Imaging for the characterization of brain microstructure in fetuses with isolated Ventriculomegaly
A Antonelli, MG Di Trani, S Capuani, S Bernardo, S Satta, L Manganaro, ...
European Congress of Radiology-ECR 2020, 2020
Apparent diffusion coefficient values of the normal foetal brain developing
MG Di Trani, L Manganaro, A Antonelli, M Guerreri, R De Feo, S Bernardo, ...
Proceedings of the International School on Magnetic Resonance and Brain ¡K, 2018
Histogram analysis of low-and high-risk prostate cancer. a comparison between Gaussian and non-Gaussian diffusion
M DI TRANI, A Caporale, M Nezzo, R Miano, A Mauriello, P Bove, ...
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 30, 2017
About the dependence of Gaussian diffusion and Kurtosis parameters on SNR in prostate DWIs
M Di Trani, S Monti, C Cavaliere, M Aiello, S Capuani
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 30, 2017
Reliable assessment of apparent diffusion coefficient in normal and ventriculomegaly fetal brains
MG Di Trani, L Manganaro, A Antonelli, M Guerreri, R De Feo, M Borrelli, ...
Mean Kurtosis discriminates between low-and high-risk prostate cancer better than Mean diffusivity does
MG Di Trani, A Caporale, M Nezzo, R Miano, A Mauriello, P Bove, ...
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Articles 1–16