Sobha L (Lalitha Devi)
Sobha L (Lalitha Devi)
Other namesSobha Lalitha Devi, S L Devi
AU-KBC Research Centre
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Cited by
Domain Focused Named Entity Recognizer for Tamil Using Conditional Random Fields.
R Vijayakrishna, SL Devi
IJCNLP, 59-66, 2008
A common parts-of-speech tagset framework for indian languages
S Baskaran, K Bali, T Bhattacharya, P Bhattacharyya, GN Jha
In Proc. of LREC 2008, 2008
Named Entity Recognition for the Agricultural Domain.
CS Malarkodi, E Lex, SL Devi
Research in Computing Science 117, 121-132, 2016
Automatic generation of Tamil lyrics for melodies
S Kuppan, SL Devi
Proceedings of the workshop on computational approaches to linguistic …, 2009
CMEE-IL: Code Mix Entity Extraction in Indian Languages from Social Media Text@ FIRE 2016-An Overview.
PRK Rao, SL Devi
FIRE (Working Notes), 289-295, 2016
A generic anaphora resolution engine for Indian languages
SL Devi, VS Ram, PRK Rao
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
A text chunker and hybrid POS tagger for Indian languages
RK Pattabhi, T Rao, R Vijay Sundar Ram, R Vijayakrishna, L Sobha
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2007
A Text Chunker and Hybrid POS Tagger for Indian Languages
RK Pattabhi, T Rao, R Vijay Sundar Ram, R Vijayakrishna, L Sobha
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2007 Workshop On Shallow Parsing for South Asian …, 2007
Designing a Common POS-Tagset Framework for Indian Languages.
B Sankaran, K Bali, T Bhattacharya, P Bhattacharyya, GN Jha, ...
IJCNLP, 89-92, 2008
A Hybrid POS Tagger for a Relatively Free Word Order Language
P Arulmozhi, L Sobha
Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Modeling and Shallow Parsing …, 2006
An Approach to Text Summarization.
S Kuppan, L Sobha
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information …, 2009
Tamil NER-coping with real time challenges
CS Malarkodi, PRK Rao, SL Devi
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian …, 2012
Clause boundary identification using conditional random fields
R Ram, SL Devi
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computational linguistics …, 2008
Vasisth: An anaphora resolution system for Malayalam and Hindi
L Sobha, BN Patnaik
Symposium on Translation Support Systems, 2002
An alternate approach towards meaningful lyric generation in tamil
A Ramakrishnan A, SL Devi
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational …, 2010
An alternate approach towards meaningful lyric generation in Tamil
A Ramakrishnan A, SL Devi
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational …, 2010
Pan@ fire: Overview of the cross-language! ndian text re-use detection competition
A Barrón-Cedeno, P Rosso, S Lalitha Devi, P Clough, M Stevenson
Multilingual Information Access in South Asian Languages: Second …, 2013
Morphological Generator for Tamil
S Menaka, VS Ram, SL Devi
Proceedings of the Knowledge Sharing event on Morphological Analysers and …, 2010
ESM-IL: Entity Extraction from Social Media Text for Indian Languages@ FIRE 2015-An Overview.
PRK Rao, CS Malarkodi, RVS Ram, SL Devi
FIRE Workshops, 74-80, 2015
Text Extraction for an Agglutinative Language
S Kumar, VS Ram, SL Devi
Proceedings of Journal: Language in India, 56-59, 2011
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Articles 1–20