Geza Kolumban
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Cited by
The role of synchronization in digital communications using chaos. II. Chaotic modulation and chaotic synchronization
G Kolumbán, MP Kennedy, LO Chua
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1998
Differential chaos shift keying: A robust coding for chaos communication
G Kolumbán, B Vizvári, W Schwarz, A Abel
Proc. NDES 96, 87-92, 1996
The role of synchronization in digital communications using chaos. I. Fundamentals of digital communications
G Kolumbán, MP Kennedy, LO Chua
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems I: Fundamental theory and …, 1997
Digital communications using chaos
MP Kennedy, G Kolumban
Signal processing 80 (7), 1307-1320, 2000
Chaotic communications with correlator receivers: theory and performance limits
G Kolumbán, MP Kennedy, Z Jákó, G Kis
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (5), 711-732, 2002
Performance evaluation of FM-DCSK modulation in multipath environments
MP Kennedy, G Kolumbán, G Kis, Z Jákó
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2000
FM-DCSK: A robust modulation scheme for chaotic communications
G Kolumbán, G Kis, Z JaKo, MP Kennedy
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 1998
Theoretical noise performance of correlator-based chaotic communications schemes
G Kolumban
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2000
Communications using chaos/spl Gt/MINUS. III. Performance bounds for correlation receivers
G Kolumbán, MP Kennedy
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2000
A novel differential chaos shift keying modulation scheme
WK Xu, L Wang, G Kolumbán
International journal of Bifurcation and chaos 21 (03), 799-814, 2011
FM-DCSK: A novel method for chaotic communications
G Kolumban, MP Kennedy, G Kis, Z Jako
1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 4, 477-480, 1998
FM-DCSK: A new and robust solution to chaos communications
G Kolumbán, G Kis, MP Kennedy, Z Jáko
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory Appl, 117-120, 1997
Design and optimization of differential chaos shift keying scheme with code index modulation
W Xu, Y Tan, FCM Lau, G Kolumbán
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (5), 1970-1980, 2018
Performance improvement of chaotic communication systems
G Kolumbán
Proc. ECCTD'97, 284-289, 1997
A new data rate adaption communications scheme for code-shifted differential chaos shift keying modulation
WK Xu, L WANG, G Kolumbán
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (08), 1250201, 2012
Enhanced versions of DCSK and FM-DCSK data transmission systems
G Kolumbán, Z Jako, MP Kennedy
1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 4, 475-478, 1999
Chaotic communications without synchronization
G Kis, Z Jako, MP Kennedy, G Kolumbán
IET Digital Library, 1998
Recent advances in communicating with chaos
MP Kennedy, G Kolumban, G Kis, Z Jako
1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 4, 461-464, 1998
Chaotic modulation for robust digital communications over multipath channels
MP Kennedy, G Kolumbán, G Kis
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 10 (04), 695-718, 2000
UWB technology: Chaotic communications versus noncoherent impulse radio
G Kolumbán
Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design …, 2005
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Articles 1–20