Vivian Marit van Breemen
Vivian Marit van Breemen
Nyenrode Business Universiteit, European Central Bank, De Nederlandsche Bank
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Cited by
Security design and credit rating risk in the CLO market
D Vink, M Nawas, V van Breemen
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 72, 101305, 2021
How much do Investors Rely on Credit Ratings: Empirical evidence from the US and EU CLO primary market
F Fabozzi, VM van Breemen, D Vink, M Nawas, A Gengos
Journal of Financial Services Research 63 (2), 221-247, 2023
Intensified competition and the impact on credit ratings in the RMBS market
VM van Breemen, FJ Fabozzi, D Vink
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 32 (2), 51-86, 2023
Risk retention in the European securitization market: skimmed by the skin-in-the-game methods?
VM van Breemen, C Schwarz, D Vink
ECB Working Paper, 2023
Creditor protection and credit ratings in the US RMBS market
VM van Breemen, FJ Fabozzi, M Nawas, D Vink
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 2024
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