Randy Machemehl
Randy Machemehl
Professor of Civil Engineering The University of Texas at Austin
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Optimal transit route network design problem with variable transit demand: genetic algorithm approach
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Journal of transportation engineering 132 (1), 40-51, 2006
Using a simulated annealing algorithm to solve the transit route network design problem
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Journal of transportation engineering 132 (2), 122-132, 2006
Decision-making problem for managing pavement maintenance and rehabilitation projects
F Wang, Z Zhang, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 1853 (1), 21-28, 2003
Vehicle operating costs, fuel consumption, and pavement type condition factors
JP Zaniewski, BG Butler, G Cunningham, R Machemehl
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 1982
VISSIM: a multi-parameter sensitivity analysis
NE Lownes, RB Machemehl
Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 1406-1413, 2006
Tabu search strategies for the public transportation network optimizations with variable transit demand
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 23 (7), 502-520, 2008
Carsharing: Dynamic decision-making problem for vehicle allocation
W Fan, RB Machemehl, NE Lownes
Transportation Research Record 2063 (1), 97-104, 2008
Development and evaluation of transit signal priority strategies
M Garrow, R Machemehl
Journal of Public Transportation 2 (2), 65-90, 1999
Sensitivity of simulated capacity to modification of VISSIM driver behavior parameters
NE Lownes, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 1988 (1), 102-110, 2006
Do transit users just wait for buses or wait with strategies? Some numerical results that transit planners should see
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 2111 (1), 169-176, 2009
Impact of rising fuel prices on US transit ridership
AR Haire, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 1992 (1), 11-19, 2007
A tabu search based heuristic method for the transit route network design problem
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Computer-aided Systems in Public Transport, 387-408, 2008
Bi-level optimization model for public transportation network redesign problem: Accounting for equity issues
W Fan, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 2263 (1), 151-162, 2011
Effects of on-street bicycle facility configuration on bicyclist and motorist behavior
J Duthie, JF Brady, AF Mills, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Record 2190 (1), 37-44, 2010
Evaluation of e-scooters as transit last-mile solution
N Zuniga-Garcia, M Tec, JG Scott, RB Machemehl
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 139, 103660, 2022
Operational evaluation of freeway ramp design
M Hunter, R Machemehl, A Tsyganov
Transportation Research Record 1751 (1), 90-100, 2001
Stripping and moisture damage in asphalt mixtures
RB McGennis, TW Kennedy, RB Machemehl
Free-floating carsharing systems: innovations in membership prediction, mode share, and vehicle allocation optimization methodologies
K Kortum
Exact and heuristic methods for public transit circulator design
NE Lownes, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (2), 309-318, 2010
E-scooters in urban infrastructure: Understanding sidewalk, bike lane, and roadway usage from trajectory data
N Zuniga-Garcia, NR Juri, KA Perrine, RB Machemehl
Case studies on transport policy 9 (3), 983-994, 2021
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