Feilong Lin
Feilong Lin
在 zjnu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A Bayesian game based vehicle-to-vehicle electricity trading scheme for blockchain-enabled internet of vehicles
S Xia, F Lin, Z Chen, C Tang, Y Ma, X Yu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (7), 6856-6868, 2020
Autonomous channel switching: Towards efficient spectrum sharing for industrial wireless sensor networks
F Lin, C Chen, N Zhang, X Guan, X Shen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (2), 231-243, 2015
Mining pool game model and nash equilibrium analysis for pow-based blockchain networks
W Li, M Cao, Y Wang, C Tang, F Lin
IEEE Access 8, 101049-101060, 2020
High-quality model aggregation for blockchain-based federated learning via reputation-motivated task participation
J Qi, F Lin, Z Chen, C Tang, R Jia, M Li
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 18378-18391, 2022
A framework of priority-aware packet transmission scheduling in cluster-based industrial wireless sensor networks
F Lin, W Dai, W Li, Z Xu, L Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 5596-5606, 2019
Pool strategies selection in pow-based blockchain networks: Game-theoretic analysis
Y Wang, C Tang, F Lin, Z Zheng, Z Chen
IEEE Access 7, 8427-8436, 2019
State estimation oriented wireless transmission for ubiquitous monitoring in industrial cyber-physical systems
L Lyu, C Chen, J Yan, F Lin, C Hua, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 7 (1), 187-201, 2016
Action recognition from depth sequence using depth motion maps-based local ternary patterns and CNN
Z Li, Z Zheng, F Lin, H Leung, Q Li
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 19587-19601, 2019
Cross channel aggregation similarity network for salient object detection
L Chen, H Liu, J Mo, D Zhang, J Yang, F Lin, Z Zheng, R Jia
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 13 (8), 2153-2169, 2022
Reinforced similarity learning: Siamese relation networks for robust object tracking
D Zhang, Z Zheng, M Li, X He, T Wang, L Chen, R Jia, F Lin
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia, 294-303, 2020
Multi-objective binary grey wolf optimization for feature selection based on guided mutation strategy
X Li, Q Fu, Q Li, W Ding, F Lin, Z Zheng
Applied Soft Computing 145, 110558, 2023
Energy saving in heterogeneous wireless rechargeable sensor networks
R Jia, J Wu, J Lu, M Li, F Lin, Z Zheng
IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1838-1847, 2022
A Blockchain-based Housing Rental System
C Qi-Long, Y Rong-Hua, L Fei-Long
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2019
A parking sharing network over blockchain with proof-of-planned-behavior consensus protocol
F Lin, S Xia, J Qi, C Tang, Z Zheng, X Yu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (8), 8124-8136, 2022
Blockchain-based credit and arbitration mechanisms in crowdsourcing
Y Ding, Z Chen, F Lin, C Tang
2019 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (ISAS), 490-495, 2019
Distributed load shedding for microgrid with compensation support via wireless network
Q Xu, B Yang, C Chen, F Lin, X Guan
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (9), 2006-2018, 2018
Federated learning framew ork based on trimmed mean aggregation rules
TX Wang, Z Zheng, F Lin
Available at SSRN 4181353, 2022
Cognitive radio enabled transmission for state estimation in industrial cyber-physical systems
L Lyu, C Chen, Y Li, F Lin, L Liu, X Guan
2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2015
A novel spectrum sharing scheme for industrial cognitive radio networks: From collective motion perspective
F Lin, C Chen, H Xu, X Guan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 203-208, 2014
A sustainable reward mechanism for block mining in PoW-based blockchain
F Lin, Z Zheng, Z Huang, C Tang, H Peng, Z Chen
2018 5th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and …, 2018
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