Jianglong Ji
Jianglong Ji
Beijing National Day School
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Cited by
A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang’e-5
S Hu, H He, J Ji, Y Lin, H Hui, M Anand, R Tartèse, Y Yan, J Hao, R Li, ...
Nature 600 (7887), 49-53, 2021
A solar wind-derived water reservoir on the Moon hosted by impact glass beads
H He, J Ji, Y Zhang, S Hu, Y Lin, H Hui, J Hao, R Li, W Yang, H Tian, ...
Nature Geoscience 16 (4), 294-300, 2023
Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts
J Ji, H He, S Hu, Y Lin, H Hui, J Hao, R Li, W Yang, Y Yan, H Tian, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 591, 117636, 2022
Submicron spatial resolution Pb–Pb and U–Pb dating by using a NanoSIMS equipped with the new radio-frequency ion source
JL Hao, W Yang, S Hu, R Li, JL Ji, HG Changela, YT Lin
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36 (8), 1625-1633, 2021
High precision and resolution chlorine isotopic analysis of apatite using NanoSIMS
J Hao, S Hu, R Li, J Ji, H He, Y Lin, W Yang
At. Spectrosc 43, 321-328, 2022
Occurrence of tuite and ahrensite in Zagami and their significance for shock-histories recorded in martian meteorites
L Gu, S Hu, M Anand, X Tang, J Ji, B Zhang, N Wang, Y Lin
American Mineralogist 107 (6), 1018-1029, 2022
Ancient and recent collisions revealed by phosphate minerals in the Chelyabinsk meteorite
CR Walton, O Shorttle, S Hu, ASP Rae, J Jianglong, A Černok, H Williams, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 40, 2022
A water reservoir on the Moon revealed by water diffusion in the Chang’E-5 impact glasses
H He, J Ji, Y Zhang, S Hu, Y Lin, H Hui, J Hao, RY Li, W Yang, HC Tian, ...
Petrography, mineral chemistry and shock metamorphism of the Mangui meteorite
J Ji, S Hu, Y Lin, Q Zhou, Y Xiao
Chinese Science Bulletin 64 (5-6), 579-587, 2018
Improved Pb-free Sn-Bi Alloy Mounting Technique for Ion Probe U-Pb Analyses of Zircon
J Ji, S Hu, Y Liu, G Tang, X Ling, J Li, Q Li, W Yang, Y Lin
Atomic Spectroscopy 43 (3), 207-213, 2022
Towards Phosphate U-Pb Texture-Age Records of Solar System Dynamical Evolution
CR Walton, O Shorttle, S Hu, ASP Rae, J Jianglong, A Černok, H Williams, ...
53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2678, 1166, 2022
Sareko iturriak
U Razkin
Colección, 2020
Cuaderno de Cultura Científica
J Williams
Agrégateur de flux
Z Egiluz, J Cuadrado, E Rojí, U Gaztelu
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Articles 1–14