Ye Guo
Ye Guo
Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute
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Master–slave-splitting based distributed global power flow method for integrated transmission and distribution analysis
H Sun, Q Guo, B Zhang, Y Guo, Z Li, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (3), 1484-1492, 2014
Two-stage robust planning-operation co-optimization of energy hub considering precise energy storage economic model
C Chen, H Sun, X Shen, Y Guo, Q Guo, T Xia
Applied energy 252, 113372, 2019
A generalized quasi-dynamic model for electric-heat coupling integrated energy system with distributed energy resources
X Qin, H Sun, X Shen, Y Guo, Q Guo, T Xia
Applied Energy 251, 113270, 2019
Distributed robust bilinear state estimation for power systems with nonlinear measurements
W Zheng, W Wu, A Gomez-Exposito, B Zhang, Y Guo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 499-509, 2016
Coordinated multi-area economic dispatch via critical region projection
Y Guo, L Tong, W Wu, B Zhang, H Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (5), 3736-3746, 2017
Decentralized robust state estimation of active distribution grids incorporating microgrids based on PMU measurements
C Lin, W Wu, Y Guo
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 810-820, 2019
Deployment of the electric vehicle charging station considering existing competitors
Y Zhao, Y Guo, Q Guo, H Zhang, H Sun
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 11 (5), 4236-4248, 2020
Robust state estimation method based on maximum exponential square
W Wu, Y Guo, B Zhang, A Bose, S Hongbin
IET generation, transmission & distribution 5 (11), 1165-1172, 2011
A linear branch flow model for radial distribution networks and its application to reactive power optimization and network reconfiguration
T Yang, Y Guo, L Deng, H Sun, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (3), 2027-2036, 2020
Generalized locational marginal pricing in a heat-and-electricity-integrated market
L Deng, Z Li, H Sun, Q Guo, Y Xu, R Chen, J Wang, Y Guo
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6414-6425, 2019
Hierarchical multi-area state estimation via sensitivity function exchanges
Y Guo, L Tong, W Wu, H Sun, B Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 442-453, 2016
Pricing multi-interval dispatch under uncertainty part I: Dispatch-following incentives
Y Guo, C Chen, L Tong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 3865-3877, 2021
A distributed state estimation method for power systems incorporating linear and nonlinear models
Y Guo, W Wu, B Zhang, H Sun
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 608-616, 2015
Combined electric and heat system testbeds for power flow analysis and economic dispatch
X Qin, X Shen, Y Guo, Z Pan, Q Guo, H Sun
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 7 (1), 34-44, 2020
On robust tie-line scheduling in multi-area power systems
Y Guo, S Bose, L Tong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4144-4154, 2017
An efficient state estimation algorithm considering zero injection constraints
Y Guo, W Wu, B Zhang, H Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2651-2659, 2013
Decentralized chance-constrained economic dispatch for integrated transmission-district energy systems
J Yu, Z Li, Y Guo, H Sun
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6724-6734, 2019
A non-iterative decoupled solution of the coordinated robust OPF in transmission and distribution networks with variable generating units
C Lin, W Wu, M Shahidehpour, Y Guo, B Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (3), 1579-1588, 2019
Pricing multi-interval dispatch under uncertainty part II: Generalization and performance
C Chen, Y Guo, L Tong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 3878-3886, 2020
A stochastic spatiotemporal decomposition decision-making approach for real-time dynamic energy management of multi-microgrids
X Mo, J Zhu, J Chen, Y Guo, Y Xia, M Liu
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 12 (2), 821-833, 2020
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Articles 1–20