Hannah Carter
Hannah Carter
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Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma
CGAR Network
Nature, 2011
An integrated genomic analysis of human glioblastoma multiforme
DW Parsons, S Jones, X Zhang, JCH Lin, RJ Leary, P Angenendt, ...
science 321 (5897), 1807-1812, 2008
Core signaling pathways in human pancreatic cancers revealed by global genomic analyses
S Jones, X Zhang, DW Parsons, JCH Lin, RJ Leary, P Angenendt, ...
science 321 (5897), 1801-1806, 2008
Accumulation of driver and passenger mutations during tumor progression
I Bozic, T Antal, H Ohtsuki, H Carter, D Kim, S Chen, R Karchin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (43), 18545-18550, 2010
Network-based stratification of tumor mutations
M Hofree, JP Shen, H Carter, A Gross, T Ideker
Nature methods 10 (11), 1108-1115, 2013
modbase, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models and associated resources
U Pieper, N Eswar, BM Webb, D Eramian, L Kelly, DT Barkan, H Carter, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D347-D354, 2009
The genetic landscape of the childhood cancer medulloblastoma
DW Parsons, M Li, X Zhang, S Jones, RJ Leary, JCH Lin, SM Boca, ...
science 331 (6016), 435-439, 2011
Circulating tumour DNA methylation markers for diagnosis and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
R Xu, W Wei, M Krawczyk, W Wang, H Luo, K Flagg, S Yi, W Shi, Q Quan, ...
Nature materials 16 (11), 1155-1161, 2017
Whole-exome sequencing of neoplastic cysts of the pancreas reveals recurrent mutations in components of ubiquitin-dependent pathways
J Wu, Y Jiao, M Dal Molin, A Maitra, RF De Wilde, LD Wood, JR Eshleman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (52), 21188-21193, 2011
Evaluation and accurate diagnoses of pediatric diseases using artificial intelligence
H Liang, BY Tsui, H Ni, CCS Valentim, SL Baxter, G Liu, W Cai, ...
Nature medicine 25 (3), 433-438, 2019
Identifying Mendelian disease genes with the variant effect scoring tool
H Carter, C Douville, PD Stenson, DN Cooper, R Karchin
BMC genomics 14, 1-16, 2013
Cancer-specific high-throughput annotation of somatic mutations: computational prediction of driver missense mutations
H Carter, S Chen, L Isik, S Tyekucheva, VE Velculescu, KW Kinzler, ...
Cancer research 69 (16), 6660-6667, 2009
Hybrid periportal hepatocytes regenerate the injured liver without giving rise to cancer
J Font-Burgada, S Shalapour, S Ramaswamy, B Hsueh, D Rossell, ...
Cell 162 (4), 766-779, 2015
MHC-I genotype restricts the oncogenic mutational landscape
R Marty, S Kaabinejadian, D Rossell, MJ Slifker, J van de Haar, HB Engin, ...
Cell 171 (6), 1272-1283. e15, 2017
Whole-exome sequencing combined with functional genomics reveals novel candidate driver cancer genes in endometrial cancer
H Liang, LWT Cheung, J Li, Z Ju, S Yu, K Stemke-Hale, T Dogruluk, Y Lu, ...
Genome research 22 (11), 2120-2129, 2012
Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment
PDATI Tina Wang, Brian Tsui, Jason F. Kreisberg, Neil A. Robertson, Andrew M ...
Genome Biology, 2017
Exploring the landscape of focal amplifications in cancer using AmpliconArchitect
V Deshpande, J Luebeck, NPD Nguyen, M Bakhtiari, KM Turner, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 392, 2019
Evolutionary pressure against MHC class II binding cancer mutations
RM Pyke, WK Thompson, RM Salem, J Font-Burgada, M Zanetti, H Carter
Cell 175 (2), 416-428. e13, 2018
Whole-genome sequencing identifies a recurrent functional synonymous mutation in melanoma
JJ Gartner, SCJ Parker, TD Prickett, K Dutton-Regester, ML Stitzel, JC Lin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (33), 13481-13486, 2013
Computational approaches to identify functional genetic variants in cancer genomes
Nature methods 10 (8), 723-729, 2013
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Articles 1–20