Jun Long LIM, PhD
Jun Long LIM, PhD
在 e.ntu.edu.sg 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Long period grating cascaded to photonic crystal fiber modal interferometer for simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, M Jiang, Y Wang, F Luan, PP Shum, H Wei, W Tong
Optics letters 37 (12), 2283-2285, 2012
Fabrication and characterization of a highly temperature sensitive device based on nematic liquid crystal-filled photonic crystal fiber
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, Y Cui, K Milenko, Y Wang, PP Shum, T Wolinski
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (5), 1248-1255, 2012
Photonic crystal fiber tip interferometer for refractive index sensing
K Mileńko, DJJ Hu, PP Shum, T Zhang, JL Lim, Y Wang, TR Woliński, ...
Optics letters 37 (8), 1373-1375, 2012
Novel miniaturized Fabry–Perot refractometer based on a simplified hollow-core fiber with a hollow silica sphere tip
DJJ Hu, Y Wang, JL Lim, T Zhang, KB Milenko, Z Chen, M Jiang, G Wang, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 12 (5), 1239-1245, 2011
Photonic crystal fiber-based interferometric biosensor for streptavidin and biotin detection
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, MK Park, LTH Kao, Y Wang, H Wei, W Tong
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (4), 1293-1297, 2011
A compact and temperature-sensitive directional coupler based on photonic crystal fiber filled with liquid crystal 6CHBT
DJJ Hu, PP Shum, JL Lim, Y Cui, K Milenko, Y Wang, T Wolinski
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (5), 2010-2016, 2012
High sensitive fiber-optic liquid refractive index tip sensor based on a simple inline hollow glass micro-sphere
B Dong, J Hao, T Zhang, JL Lim
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 171, 405-408, 2012
Investigation of temperature sensing characteristics in selectively infiltrated photonic crystal fiber
Z Xu, J Lim, DJJ Hu, Q Sun, RYN Wong, K Li, M Jiang, PP Shum
Optics express 24 (2), 1699-1707, 2016
Cascaded photonic crystal fiber interferometers for refractive index sensing
JL Lim, DJJ Hu, PP Shum, Y Wang
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (4), 1163-1169, 2012
Fiber-integrated 780 nm source for visible parametric generation
DJJ Hu, RT Murray, T Legg, TH Runcorn, M Zhang, RI Woodward, JL Lim, ...
Optics express 22 (24), 29726-29732, 2014
Nanostars on a fiber facet with near field enhancement for surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection
M Sun, YX Wang, ZN Chen, YD Gong, JL Lim, XM Qing
Applied Physics A 115, 87-91, 2014
Design and analysis of microfluidic optical fiber device for refractive index sensing
JL Lim, DJJ Hu, PP Shum, Y Wang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (21), 2130-2133, 2014
Hybrid photonic crystal fiber selectively infiltrated with liquid crystal
K Milenko, TR Wolinski, DJJ Hu, JL Lim, Y Wang, PP Shum
Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2012, 1-3, 2012
Miniaturized photonic crystal fiber tip sensor for refractive index sensing
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, Y Wang, PP Shum
Sensors, 2011 IEEE, 1488-1490, 2011
A Data-Driven Method for Online Monitoring Tube Wall Thinning Process in Dynamic Noisy Environment
C Zhang, JL Lim, O Liu, A Madan, Y Zhu, S Xiang, K Wu, RYN Wong, ...
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (1), 441-456, 2021
Photonic crystal fiber modal interferometer for biosensing applications
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, Y Wang, MK Park, LTH Kao
Sensors, 2011 IEEE, 269-271, 2011
Temperature response of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber based interferometer
JL Lim, DJJ Hu, PP Shum, Y Wang
2011 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics jointly held with …, 2011
Investigation of temperature sensitivity under the influence of coupling strength between a silica core and a satellite waveguide in a photonic crystal fiber with selective …
K Li, JL Lim, Z Xu, DJJ Hu, RYN Wong, PP Shum, EJ Hao, Y Wang, Q Sun, ...
Procedia Engineering 140, 72-76, 2016
A directional coupler based on nematic liquid crystal filled photonic crystal fiber
DJJ Hu, JL Lim, Y Cui, K Milenko, Y Wang, PP Shum, T Wolinski
IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, 806-807, 2012
Carbon-steel tube surface mounted FBG sensors under high-temperature environment, part II: Gold coated and femtosecond laser written
A Madan, O Liu, JL Lim, W Jiang, Y Wang, PP Shum, HAO Jianzhong
2020 IEEE 5th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), 130-133, 2020
文章 1–20