Taotao Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Deep-reinforcement learning multiple access for heterogeneous wireless networks
Y Yu, T Wang, SC Liew
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 37 (6), 1277-1290, 2019
Implementation of physical-layer network coding
L Lu, T Wang, SC Liew, S Zhang
Physical Communication 6, 74-87, 2013
Blockchain-based decentralized energy management platform for residential distributed energy resources in a virtual power plant
Q Yang, H Wang, T Wang, S Zhang, X Wu, H Wang
Applied Energy 294, 117026, 2021
When federated learning meets blockchain: A new distributed learning paradigm
C Ma, J Li, L Shi, M Ding, T Wang, Z Han, HV Poor
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 17 (3), 26-33, 2022
Ethna: Analyzing the underlying peer-to-peer network of ethereum blockchain
T Wang, C Zhao, Q Yang, S Zhang, SC Liew
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (3), 2131-2146, 2021
When blockchain meets AI: Optimal mining strategy achieved by machine learning
T Wang, SC Liew, S Zhang
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 (5), 2183-2207, 2021
A deep autoencoder trust model for mitigating jamming attack in IoT assisted by cognitive radio
MS Abdalzaher, M Elwekeil, T Wang, S Zhang
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (3), 3635-3645, 2021
Real-time implementation of physical-layer network coding
L Lu, L You, Q Yang, T Wang, M Zhang, S Zhang, SC Liew
Proceedings of the second workshop on Software radio implementation forum, 71-76, 2013
Design of distributed protograph LDPC codes for multi-relay coded-cooperative networks
Y Fang, SC Liew, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (11), 7235-7251, 2017
Development of an optimized regression model to predict blast-driven ground vibrations
SSR Moustafa, MS Abdalzaher, MH Yassien, T Wang, M Elwekeil, ...
IEEE Access 9, 31826-31841, 2021
ON–OFF analog beamforming for massive MIMO
S Zhang, C Guo, T Wang, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (5), 4113-4123, 2018
Non-uniform time-step deep Q-network for carrier-sense multiple access in heterogeneous wireless networks
Y Yu, SC Liew, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (9), 2848-2861, 2020
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning multiple access for heterogeneous wireless networks with imperfect channels
Y Yu, SC Liew, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 21 (10), 3718-3730, 2021
Deep convolutional neural networks for link adaptations in MIMO-OFDM wireless systems
M Elwekeil, S Jiang, T Wang, S Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (3), 665-668, 2018
Joint Channel Estimation and Channel Decoding in Physical-Layer Network Coding Systems: An EM-BP Factor Graph Framework
T Wang, SC Liew
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (4), 1-16, 2013
Pooling is not favorable: Decentralize mining power of PoW blockchain using age-of-work
L Shi, T Wang, J Li, S Zhang, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (3), 2756-2769, 2022
Speeding up block propagation in Bitcoin network: Uncoded and coded designs
L Zhang, T Wang, SC Liew
Computer Networks 206, 108791, 2022
DCAP: Improving the capacity of WiFi networks with distributed cooperative access points
T Wang, Q Yang, K Tan, J Zhang, SC Liew, S Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (2), 320-333, 2017
Non-coherent NOMA with massive MIMO
T Wang, L Shi, K Cai, L Tian, S Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 9 (2), 134-138, 2019
Pubchain: A decentralized open-access publication platform with participants incentivized by blockchain technology
T Wang, SC Liew, S Zhang
2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications …, 2020
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Articles 1–20