Wei Lin
Cited by
Cited by
A continuous feedback approach to global strong stabilization of nonlinear systems
C Qian, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (7), 1061-1079, 2001
Global finite-time stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems
X Huang, W Lin, B Yang
Automatica 41 (5), 881-888, 2005
Non-Lipschitz continuous stabilizers for nonlinear systems with uncontrollable unstable linearization
C Qian, W Lin
Systems & Control Letters 42 (3), 185-200, 2001
Adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems: the smooth feedback case
W Lin, C Qian
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 47 (8), 1249-1266, 2002
Adding one power integrator: a tool for global stabilization of high-order lower-triangular systems
W Lin, C Qian
Systems & Control Letters 39 (5), 339-351, 2000
Output feedback control of a class of nonlinear systems: a nonseparation principle paradigm
C Qian, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (10), 1710-1715, 2002
Adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems: a nonsmooth feedback framework
W Lin, C Qian
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 47 (5), 757-774, 2002
Losslessness, feedback equivalence, and the global stabilization of discrete-time nonlinear systems
CI Byrnes, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 39 (1), 83-98, 1994
Practical output tracking of nonlinear systems with uncontrollable unstable linearization
C Qian, W Lin
IEEE transactions on automatic control 47 (1), 21-36, 2002
Universal adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unknown growth rate by output feedback
H Lei, W Lin
Automatica 42 (10), 1783-1789, 2006
Homogeneous observers, iterative design, and global stabilization of high-order nonlinear systems by smooth output feedback
B Yang, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (7), 1069-1080, 2004
Recursive observer design, homogeneous approximation, and nonsmooth output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems
C Qian, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (9), 1457-1471, 2006
H/sub/spl infin//-control of discrete-time nonlinear systems
W Lin, CI Byrnes
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 41 (4), 494-510, 1996
Passivity and absolute stabilization of a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems
W Lin, CI Byrnes
Automatica 31 (2), 263-267, 1995
Adaptive regulation of uncertain nonlinear systems by output feedback: A universal control approach
H Lei, W Lin
Systems & Control Letters 56 (7-8), 529-537, 2007
Distributed UAV formation control using differential game approach
W Lin
Aerospace Science and Technology 35, 54-62, 2014
Voltage and frequency regulation of microgrid with battery energy storage systems
H Zhao, M Hong, W Lin, KA Loparo
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 10 (1), 414-424, 2017
Robust output feedback stabilization of uncertain nonlinear systems with uncontrollable and unobservable linearization
B Yang, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (5), 619-630, 2005
Adaptive output tracking of inherently nonlinear systems with nonlinear parameterization
W Lin, R Pongvuthithum
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 48 (10), 1737-1749, 2003
Robust passivity and feedback design for minimum-phase nonlinear systems with structureal uncertainty
W Lin, T Shen
Automatica 35 (1), 35-47, 1999
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Articles 1–20