Qing Liu
Qing Liu
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)
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Cited by
Attenuation of systolic blood pressure and pulse transit time hysteresis during exercise and recovery in cardiovascular patients
Q Liu, BP Yan, CM Yu, YT Zhang, CCY Poon
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 (2), 346-352, 2014
Wearable intelligent systems for e-health
CCY Poon, Q Liu, H Gao, WH Lin, YT Zhang
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering 5 (3), 246-256, 2011
Time–frequency analysis of variabilities of heart rate, systolic blood pressure and pulse transit time before and after exercise using the recursive autoregressive model
Q Liu, CCY Poon, YT Zhang
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 6 (4), 364-369, 2011
Wearable technologies for neonatal monitoring
Q Liu, CCY Poon, YT Zhang
Neonatal Monitoring Technologies: Design for Integrated Solutions, 12-40, 2012
Cardiovascular health informatics: wearable intelligent sensors for e-health (WISE)
YT Zhang, Q Liu, CCY Poon, YL Zheng, H Gao
Technologies Beyond 2020 (TTM), 2011 IEEE Technology Time Machine Symposium …, 2011
The time-frequency analysis of variabilities of heart rate, systolic blood pressure and pulse transit time on normotensive subjects after exercise
Q Liu, CCY Poon, MYM Wong, YT Zhang
Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, 2009. ISABEL …, 2009
A novel method to estimate baroreflex sensitivity based on pulse transit time
Q Liu, CY Poon, Y Zhang
Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2012 IEEE-EMBS International …, 2012
A New Approach for Early Screening of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Based on Cardiovascular Responses Induced during Drinking
Q Liu, PWY Chiu, Y Zhang, KKF Hung, CCY Poon
The 2nd Annual AMA-IEEE Medical Technology Conference, Boston, MA, 2011, 2011
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