Zheng Wen
Zheng Wen
College of Physics, Qingdao University and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
在 qdu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Ferroelectric-field-effect-enhanced electroresistance in metal/ferroelectric/semiconductor tunnel junctions
Z Wen, C Li, D Wu, A Li, N Ming
Nature materials 12 (7), 617-621, 2013
The magnetic properties of La doped and codoped BiFeO< sub> 3</sub>
X Zheng, Q Xu, Z Wen, X Lang, D Wu, T Qiu, MX Xu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 499 (1), 108-112, 2010
Effects of annealing process and Mn substitution on structure and ferroelectric properties of BiFeO< sub> 3</sub> films
Z Wen, G Hu, S Fan, C Yang, W Wu, Y Zhou, X Chen, S Cui
Thin Solid Films 517 (16), 4497-4501, 2009
Mechanical switching of ferroelectric polarization in ultrathin BaTiO3 films: The effects of epitaxial strain
Z Wen, X Qiu, C Li, C Zheng, X Ge, A Li, D Wu
Applied Physics Letters 104 (4), 042907, 2014
Enhanced ferromagnetism at the rhombohedral–tetragonal phase boundary in Pr and Mn co-substituted powders
Z Wen, X Shen, D Wu, Q Xu, J Wang, A Li
Solid State Communications 150 (43), 2081-2084, 2010
Temperature-dependent tunneling electroresistance in Pt/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions
Z Wen, L You, J Wang, A Li, D Wu
Applied Physics Letters 103 (13), 132913, 2013
Temperature-dependent leakage current characteristics of Pr and Mn cosubstituted< equation>< font face='verdana'> BiFeO</font>< sub> 3</sub></equation> thin films
Z Wen, X Shen, J Wu, D Wu, A Li, B Yang, Z Wang, H Chen, J Wang
Applied Physics Letters 96 (20), 202904-202904-3, 2010
Polarization fatigue of Pr and Mn co-substituted BiFeO3 thin films
Z Wen, Y Lv, D Wu, A Li
Applied Physics Letters 99, 012903, 2011
The metallic interface between insulating NdGaO3 and SrTiO3 perovskites
C Li, Q Xu, Z Wen, S Zhang, A Li, D Wu
Applied Physics Letters 103 (20), 201602, 2013
Multiferroic properties of(Bi 1-xPrx)(Fe 0. 95 Mn 0. 05) O 3 thin films
Z Wen, L You, X Shen, X Li, D Wu, J Wang, A Li
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced …, 2011
Room temperature ferromagnetic pure ZnO
Q Xu, Z Wen, L Xu, J Gao, D Wu, K Shen, T Qiu, S Tang, M Xu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (1), 19-23, 2011
AgingInduced Double Ferroelectric Hysteresis Loops and Asymmetric Coercivity in AsDeposited BiFe0. 95Zn0. 05O3 Thin Film
S Cui, G Hu, W Wu, C Yang, L Jiao, Z Wen
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (7), 1610-1612, 2009
Enhanced room temperature ferromagnetism in porous BiFeO< sub> 3</sub> prepared using cotton templates
Q Xu, X Zheng, Z Wen, Y Yang, D Wu, M Xu
Solid State Communications 151 (8), 624-627, 2011
Current–voltage characteristics of sol–gel derived SrZrO< sub> 3</sub> thin films for resistive memory applications
J Wu, Z Wen, D Wu, H Zhai, A Li
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (5), 2050-2053, 2011
Bipolar and unipolar resistive switching in Zn0. 98Cu0. 02O films
Q Xu, Z Wen, D Wu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (33), 335104, 2011
The exchange bias in polycrystalline BiFeO< sub> 3</sub>/Ni< sub> 81</sub> Fe< sub> 19</sub> bilayers on Si substrate with LaNiO< sub> 3</sub> buffer layer
X Yuan, X Xue, X Zhang, Z Wen, M Yang, J Du, D Wu, Q Xu
Solid State Communications 152 (4), 241-243, 2012
The multiferroic properties of Bi (Fe< sub> 0.95</sub> Co< sub> 0.05</sub>) O< sub> 3</sub> films
Q Xu, Z Wen, J Gao, D Wu, S Tang, M Xu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (10), 2025-2027, 2011
Effects of annealing process on asymmetric coercivities of Mn-doped BiFeO3 thin films
Z Wen, G Hu, C Yang, W Wu
Applied Physics A 97 (4), 937-941, 2009
Bipolar resistive switching based on SrTiO3/YBa2Cu3O7 epi-layers
K Li, Z Wen, D Wu, H Zhai, A Li
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (3), 035308, 2013
Room temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO prepared by microemulsion
Q Xu, Z Wen, H Zhang, X Qi, W Zhong, L Xu, D Wu, K Shen, M Xu
AIP Advances 1 (3), 032127-032127-5, 2011
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