Esther González-Martínez
Cited by
Cited by
Longitudinal studies on the organization of social interaction
SP Doehler, J Wagner, E González-Martínez
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Situated organization of video-mediated interaction: A review of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies
J Mlynář, E González-Martínez, D Lalanne
Interacting with Computers 30 (2), 73-84, 2018
Longitudinal research on the organization of social interaction: Current developments and methodological challenges
J Wagner, S Pekarek Doehler, E González-Martínez
Longitudinal studies on the organization of social interaction, 3-35, 2018
Laughing and smiling to manage trouble in French-language classroom interaction
C Petitjean, E González-Martínez
Classroom Discourse 6 (2), 89-106, 2015
Interactional competences in institutional settings: From school to the workplace
SP Doehler, A Bangerter, G De Weck, L Filliettaz, E González-Martínez, ...
Springer, 2017
Hospital staff corridor conversations: Work in passing
E González‐Martínez, A Bangerter, K Lê Van, C Navarro
Journal of Advanced Nursing 72 (3), 521-532, 2016
The interweaving of talk and text in a French criminal pretrial hearing
E González Martínez
Research on language and social interaction 39 (3), 229-261, 2006
‘Let me tell you about myself’: A method for suppressing subject talk in a ‘soft accusation’interrogation
M Kidwell, E González Martínez
Discourse Studies 12 (1), 65-89, 2010
Comment agir en confiance avec un partenaire dont on se méfie?
EG Martínez
Réseaux 108 (4), 87-123, 2001
Langage, activités et ordre social. Faire de la sociologie avec Harvey Sacks
FM Bovet, A., E. González-Martínez
Berne, Peter Lang, 2014
Practical trust
E González-Martínez, J Mlynář
Social Science Information 58 (4), 608-630, 2019
Passing-by “Ça va?” checks in clinic corridors
E González-Martínez, A Bangerter, K Lê Van
Semiotica 2017 (215), 1-42, 2017
Informings as recruitment in nurses′ intrahospital telephone calls
E González-Martínez, P Drew
Journal of Pragmatics 186, 48-59, 2021
Newcomer nurses’ telephone calls to porters and doctors: Inquiring and reporting as vehicles for requests
AC Sterie, E González-Martínez
Interactional competences in institutional settings: From school to the …, 2017
Discovering work: A topical introduction
P Sormani, E González-Martínez, A Bovet
Ethnographic Studies 12, 1-11, 2011
Postures lyriques: L'ajustement voix-rôle dans le travail interprétatif du chanteur soliste
EG Martinez
Revue française de sociologie, 277-305, 2000
Collaboration interprofessionnelle jeune infirmière diplômée-assistante sociale: appels téléphoniques de préparation de la sortie de l’hôpital
E González-Martínez, C Bulliard
Recherches en soins infirmiers, 15-36, 2018
Longitudinal studies in conversation analysis
S Pekarek Doehler, J Wagner, E González-Martínez
Basinkstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Le rire cordial dans les demandes téléphoniques par de jeunes infirmières à l’hôpital
E González-Martínez, C Petitjean
Activités 13 (13-1), 2016
Talking to/through the baby to produce and manage disaffiliation during well-child visits
EGM Zanini, C.
Producing and managing restricted activities. Avoidance and withholding in …, 2015
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Articles 1–20