Maryam Kamgarpour
Arbitraging intraday wholesale energy market prices with aggregations of thermostatic loads
JL Mathieu, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros, G Andersson, DS Callaway
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (2), 763-772, 2014
Nash and Wardrop equilibria in aggregative games with coupling constraints
D Paccagnan, B Gentile, F Parise, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1373-1388, 2018
Robust optimal control with adjustable uncertainty sets
X Zhang, M Kamgarpour, A Georghiou, P Goulart, J Lygeros
Automatica 75, 249-259, 2017
Convergence properties of a decentralized Kalman filter
M Kamgarpour, C Tomlin
2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3205-3210, 2008
Energy arbitrage with thermostatically controlled loads
JL Mathieu, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros, DS Callaway
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 2519-2526, 2013
Distributed computation of generalized Nash equilibria in quadratic aggregative games with affine coupling constraints
D Paccagnan, B Gentile, F Parise, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros
2016 IEEE 55th conference on decision and control (CDC), 6123-6128, 2016
Modeling options for demand side participation of thermostatically controlled loads
M Kamgarpour, C Ellen, SEZ Soudjani, S Gerwinn, JL Mathieu, N Müllner, ...
2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013
Benefits of continuous descent operations in high-density terminal airspace considering scheduling constraints
J Robinson III, M Kamgarpour
10th AIAA aviation technology, integration, and operations (ATIO) conference …, 2010
Learning the globally optimal distributed LQ regulator
L Furieri, Y Zheng, M Kamgarpour
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 287-297, 2020
On optimal control of non-autonomous switched systems with a fixed mode sequence
M Kamgarpour, C Tomlin
Automatica 48 (6), 1177-1181, 2012
A hierarchical flight planning framework for air traffic management
W Zhang, M Kamgarpour, D Sun, CJ Tomlin
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 179-194, 2011
A descent algorithm for the optimal control of constrained nonlinear switched dynamical systems
H Gonzalez, R Vasudevan, M Kamgarpour, SS Sastry, R Bajcsy, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Hybrid systems …, 2010
On aggregative and mean field games with applications to electricity markets
D Paccagnan, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 196-201, 2016
Sample complexity of linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) control for output feedback systems
Y Zheng, L Furieri, M Kamgarpour, N Li
Learning for dynamics and control, 559-570, 2021
Robust aircraft trajectory planning under uncertain convective environments with optimal control and rapidly developing thunderstorms
D González-Arribas, M Soler, M Sanjurjo-Rivo, M Kamgarpour, J Simarro
Aerospace Science and Technology 89, 445-459, 2019
Learning generalized Nash equilibria in a class of convex games
T Tatarenko, M Kamgarpour
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1426-1439, 2018
A stochastic reach-avoid problem with random obstacles
S Summers, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros, C Tomlin
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Hybrid systems …, 2011
Approximate dynamic programming for stochastic reachability
N Kariotoglou, S Summers, T Summers, M Kamgarpour, J Lygeros
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 584-589, 2013
A stochastic games framework for verification and control of discrete time stochastic hybrid systems
J Ding, M Kamgarpour, S Summers, A Abate, J Lygeros, C Tomlin
Automatica 49 (9), 2665-2674, 2013
On the equivalence of youla, system-level, and input–output parameterizations
Y Zheng, L Furieri, A Papachristodoulou, N Li, M Kamgarpour
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (1), 413-420, 2020
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