Robert L. Hicks
Robert L. Hicks
Professor of Economics and Marine Science, The College of William and Mary
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Can eco-labels tune a market? Evidence from dolphin-safe labeling
MF Teisl, B Roe, RL Hicks
Journal of environmental Economics and Management 43 (3), 339-359, 2002
More dollars than sense: Refining our knowledge of development finance using AidData
MJ Tierney, DL Nielson, DG Hawkins, JT Roberts, MG Findley, ...
World Development 39 (11), 1891-1906, 2011
Greening aid?: Understanding the environmental impact of development assistance
RL Hicks, BC Parks, JT Roberts, MJ Tierney
OUP Oxford, 2008
Label performance and the willingness to pay for Fair Trade coffee: a cross‐national perspective
AK Basu, RL Hicks
International journal of consumer studies 32 (5), 470-478, 2008
Accounting for choice set endogeneity in random utility models of recreation demand
TC Haab, RL Hicks
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 34 (2), 127-147, 1997
Combining discrete and continuous representations of preference heterogeneity: a latent class approach
A Bujosa, A Riera, RL Hicks
Environmental and Resource Economics 47, 477-493, 2010
The cost of sea turtle preservation: The case of Hawaii's pelagic longliners
R Curtis, RL Hicks
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82 (5), 1191-1197, 2000
Learning and knowledge depreciation in professional services
T Boone, R Ganeshan, RL Hicks
Management science 54 (7), 1231-1236, 2008
The extent of information: its relevance for random utility models
RL Hicks, IE Strand
Land Economics, 374-385, 2000
Can google trends improve your sales forecast?
T Boone, R Ganeshan, RL Hicks, NR Sanders
Production and Operations Management 27 (10), 1770-1774, 2018
The cost of stress: Low dissolved oxygen and economic benefits of recreational striped bass (Morone saxatilis) fishing in the Patuxent River
D Lipton, R Hicks
Estuaries 26, 310-315, 2003
Angler heterogeneity and the species-specific demand for marine recreational fishing
T Haab, R Hicks, K Schnier, JC Whitehead
Marine Resource Economics 27 (3), 229-251, 2012
Choice set considerations in models of recreation demand: History and current state of the art
TC Haab, RL Hicks
Marine Resource Economics 14 (4), 271-281, 1999
Eco-labeling and dolphin avoidance: A dynamic model of tuna fishing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
RL Hicks, KE Schnier
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 56 (2), 103-116, 2008
Common property, information, and cooperation: commercial fishing in the Bering Sea
AC Haynie, RL Hicks, KE Schnier
Ecological Economics 69 (2), 406-413, 2009
Has foreign aid been greened?
JT Roberts, BC Parks, MJ Tierney, RL Hicks
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 51 (1), 8-21, 2009
Dynamic random utility modeling: a Monte Carlo analysis
RL Hicks, KE Schnier
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (4), 816-835, 2006
Short-run welfare losses from essential fish habitat designations for the surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries
RL Hicks, J Kirkley, IE Strand Jr
Marine Resource Economics 19 (1), 113-129, 2004
Stated preference methods for environmental management: recreational summer flounder angling in the Northeastern United States
RL Hicks
An introduction to the NMFS Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey with an emphasis on economic valuation
RL Hicks, AB Gautam, D Van Voorhees, M Osborn, B Gentner
Marine Resource Economics 14 (4), 375-385, 1999
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Articles 1–20