Chenglin Li
Chenglin Li
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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QoE-driven mobile edge caching placement for adaptive video streaming
C Li, L Toni, J Zou, H Xiong, P Frossard
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (4), 965-984, 2017
Contrastive regression for domain adaptation on gaze estimation
Y Wang, Y Jiang, J Li, B Ni, W Dai, C Li, H Xiong, T Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
RAPT360: Reinforcement learning-based rate adaptation for 360-degree video streaming with adaptive prediction and tiling
N Kan, J Zou, C Li, W Dai, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (3), 1607-1623, 2021
ipool—information-based pooling in hierarchical graph neural networks
X Gao, W Dai, C Li, H Xiong, P Frossard
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (9), 5032-5044, 2021
Lifetime and distortion optimization with joint source/channel rate adaptation and network coding-based error control in wireless video sensor networks
J Zou, H Xiong, C Li, R Zhang, Z He
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (3), 1182-1194, 2011
Joint coding/routing optimization for distributed video sources in wireless visual sensor networks
C Li, J Zou, H Xiong, CW Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 21 (2), 141-155, 2011
Deep reinforcement learning-based rate adaptation for adaptive 360-degree video streaming
N Kan, J Zou, K Tang, C Li, N Liu, H Xiong
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Rotation equivariant graph convolutional network for spherical image classification
Q Yang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, GJ Qi, H Xiong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Probabilistic tile visibility-based server-side rate adaptation for adaptive 360-degree video streaming
J Zou, C Li, C Liu, Q Yang, H Xiong, E Steinbach
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 14 (1), 161-176, 2019
Pose-oriented transformer with uncertainty-guided refinement for 2d-to-3d human pose estimation
H Li, B Shi, W Dai, H Zheng, B Wang, Y Sun, M Guo, C Li, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (1), 1296-1304, 2023
Delay—Power-rate-distortion model for wireless video communication under delay and energy constraints
C Li, D Wu, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 24 (7), 1170-1183, 2014
General bitwidth assignment for efficient deep convolutional neural network quantization
W Fei, W Dai, C Li, J Zou, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (10), 5253-5267, 2021
Joint pricing and cache placement for video caching: A game theoretic approach
J Zou, C Li, C Zhai, H Xiong, E Steinbach
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (7), 1566-1583, 2019
Joint dynamic rate control and transmission scheduling for scalable video multirate multicast over wireless networks
C Li, H Xiong, J Zou, DO Wu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (2), 361-378, 2017
SalGCN: Saliency prediction for 360-degree images based on spherical graph convolutional networks
H Lv, Q Yang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 682-690, 2020
QoE-driven adaptive streaming for point clouds
L Wang, C Li, W Dai, S Li, J Zou, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 2543-2558, 2022
Uncertainty-aware robust adaptive video streaming with bayesian neural network and model predictive control
N Kan, C Li, C Yang, W Dai, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems …, 2021
Reinforcement learning-based opportunistic routing for live video streaming over multi-hop wireless networks
K Tang, C Li, H Xiong, J Zou, P Frossard
2017 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP …, 2017
Monotonic robust policy optimization with model discrepancy
Y Jiang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, H Xiong
International Conference on Machine Learning, 4951-4960, 2021
Improving generalization for neural adaptive video streaming via meta reinforcement learning
N Kan, Y Jiang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 3006-3016, 2022
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