Bisakha Ray
Cited by
Cited by
Design of the 2015 ChaLearn AutoML Challenge
I Guyon, K Bennett, G Cawley, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, TK Ho, N Macià, ...
Information Sciences 261 (3), 237-262, 2014
Analysis of the automl challenge series
I Guyon, L Sun-Hosoya, M Boullé, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, Z Liu, ...
Automated Machine Learning 177, 177-219, 2019
A brief review of the ChaLearn AutoML challenge: any-time any-dataset learning without human intervention
I Guyon, I Chaabane, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, D Jajetic, JR Lloyd, ...
Workshop on Automatic Machine Learning, 21-30, 2016
An informatics research agenda to support precision medicine: seven key areas
JD Tenenbaum, P Avillach, M Benham-Hutchins, MK Breitenstein, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2016
Information content and analysis methods for multi-modal high-throughput biomedical data
B Ray, M Henaff, S Ma, E Efstathiadis, ER Peskin, M Picone, T Poli, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4411, 2014
Text Classification for Automatic Detection of Alcohol Use Related Tweets
Y Aphinyanaphongs, B Ray, A Statnikov, P Krebs
Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2014 IEEE 15th International …, 2014
Bisakha Ray, Mehreen Saeed, Michele Sebag, Alexander Statnikov, Wei-Wei Tu, and Evelyne Viegas. Analysis of the AutoML Challenge Series 2015–2018
I Guyon, L Sun-Hosoya, M Boullé, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, Z Liu, ...
AutoML, Springer series on Challenges in Machine Learning, 2019
Network inference from multimodal data: a review of approaches from infectious disease transmission
B Ray, E Ghedin, R Chunara
Journal of biomedical informatics 64, 44-54, 2016
AutoML Challenge 2015: Design and First Results
I Guyon, K Bennett, G Cawley, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, TK Ho, B Ray, ...
Neural Connectomics Challenge
D Battaglia, I Guyon, V Lemaire, J Orlandi, B Ray, J Soriano
First Connectomics Challenge: From Imaging to Connectivity
JG Orlandi, B Ray, D Battaglia, I Guyon, V Lemaire, M Saeed, J Soriano, ...
Adaptive multiview nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm for integration of multimodal biomedical data
B Ray, W Liu, D Fenyö
Cancer Informatics 16, 1176935117725727, 2017
Bisakha Ray, Lukasz Romaszko, Michele Sebag, et al. A brief review of the chalearn automl challenge: any-time any-dataset learning without human intervention
I Guyon, I Chaabane, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, D Jajetic, JR Lloyd, ...
Workshop on Automatic Machine Learning, 21-30, 2016
Design of the First Neuronal Connectomics Challenge: From Imaging to Connectivity
I Guyon, D Battaglia, A Guyon, V Lemaire, JG Orlandi, M Saeed, J Soriano, ...
Predicting acute respiratory infections from participatory data
B Ray, R Chunara
Online journal of public health informatics 9 (1), 2017
Bisakha Ray, Demian Battaglia, Isabelle Guyon, Vincent Lemaire, Mehreen Saeed, Alexander Statnikov, Olav Stetter, and Jordi Soriano.“First Connectomics Challenge: From Imaging …
JG Orlandi
Proceedings of the Neural Connectomics Workshop at ECML, 1-22, 2014
Bisakha Ray, Mehreen Saeed, Michèle Sebag, et al. 2019. Analysis of the AutoML Challenge Series 2015--2018
I Guyon, L Sun-Hosoya, M Boullé, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, Z Liu, ...
Automated Machine Learning, 0
Automated Machine Learning
I Guyon, L Sun-Hosoya, M Boullé, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, Z Liu, ...
Springer, 2019
Bisakha Ray, Lukasz Romaszko, Michèle Sebag, et al. 2016. A brief review of the ChaLearn AutoML challenge: any-time any-dataset learning without human intervention
I Guyon, I Chaabane, HJ Escalante, S Escalera, D Jajetic, JR Lloyd, ...
Workshop on Automatic Machine Learning, 21-30, 0
Text Classification-Based Automatic Recruitment of Patients for Clinical Trials: A Silver Standards-Based Case Study
B Ray, Y Aphinyanaphongs, S Heffron
2015 International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 28-33, 2015
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Articles 1–20