Francesco Conte
Francesco Conte
Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
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Day-ahead and intra-day planning of integrated BESS-PV systems providing frequency regulation
F Conte, S Massucco, GP Schiapparelli, F Silvestro
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (3), 1797-1806, 2019
A stochastic optimization method for planning and real-time control of integrated pv-storage systems: Design and experimental validation
F Conte, S Massucco, M Saviozzi, F Silvestro
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (3), 1188-1197, 2017
An optimal model-based control technique to improve wind farm participation to frequency regulation
F Baccino, F Conte, S Grillo, S Massucco, F Silvestro
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (3), 993-1003, 2014
Stabilization of strictfeedback nonlinear systems with input delay using closedloop predictors
F Cacace, F Conte, A Germani, P Pepe
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (16), 3524-3540, 2016
Operational constrained nonlinear modeling and identification of active distribution networks
F Conte, F D’Agostino, F Silvestro
Electric Power Systems Research 168, 92-104, 2019
Mixed-integer algorithm for optimal dispatch of integrated PV-storage systems
F Conte, F D’Agostino, P Pongiglione, M Saviozzi, F Silvestro
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (1), 238-247, 2018
Modelling and optimal management of renewable energy communities using reversible solid oxide cells
FR Bianchi, B Bosio, F Conte, S Massucco, G Mosaico, G Natrella, ...
Applied Energy 334, 120657, 2023
A new hybrid AI optimal management method for renewable energy communities
F Conte, F D’Antoni, G Natrella, M Merone
Energy and AI 10, 100197, 2022
Optimal control of linear systems with large and variable input delays
F Cacace, F Conte, A Germani, G Palombo
Systems & Control Letters 89, 1-7, 2016
Dynamic equivalent modelling of active distribution networks for TSO-DSO interactions
F Conte, F D'Agostino, S Massucco, G Palombo, F Silvestro, C Bossi, ...
2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2017
Memoryless approach to the LQ and LQG problems with variable input delay
F Cacace, F Conte, A Germani
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (1), 216-221, 2015
Fault detection and localization in active distribution networks using optimally placed phasor measurements units
F Conte, F D’Agostino, B Gabriele, GP Schiapparelli, F Silvestro
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (1), 714-727, 2022
Stochastic modelling of aggregated thermal loads for impact analysis of demand side frequency regulation in the case of Sardinia in 2020
F Conte, S Massucco, F Silvestro, E Ciapessoni, D Cirio
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 93, 291-307, 2017
Frequency regulation by management of building cooling systems through model predictive control
F Baccino, F Conte, S Massucco, F Silvestro, S Grillo
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-7, 2014
Frequency stability assessment of modern power systems: Models definition and parameters identification
F Conte, S Massucco, M Paolone, GP Schiapparelli, F Silvestro, Y Zuo
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 23, 100384, 2020
A kalman filter approach for denoising and deblurring 3-d microscopy images
F Conte, A Germani, G Iannello
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 22 (12), 5306-5321, 2013
Frequency control services by a building cooling system aggregate
F Conte, S Massucco, F Silvestro
Electric Power Systems Research 141, 137-146, 2016
Performance analysis of frequency regulation services provided by aggregates of domestic thermostatically controlled loads
F Conte, MC Di Vergagni, S Massucco, F Silvestro, E Ciapessoni, D Cirio
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 131, 107050, 2021
Filtering continuous-time linear systems with time-varying measurement delay
F Cacace, F Conte, A Germani
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (5), 1368-1373, 2014
Feedback quadratic filtering
F Cacace, F Conte, A Germani, G Palombo
Automatica 82, 158-164, 2017
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