Xiuzhen Zhang
Xiuzhen Zhang
Other namesXiuzhen (Jenny) Zhang, Jenny Zhang
Professor of Data Science, RMIT University, Australia
Verified email at - Homepage
Cited by
Cited by
CAEP: Classification by aggregating emerging patterns
G Dong, X Zhang, L Wong, J Li
Discovery Science: Second International Conference, DS’99 Tokyo, Japan …, 1999
Anomaly detection in online social networks
D Savage, X Zhang, X Yu, P Chou, Q Wang
Social networks 39, 62-70, 2014
Frontiers, challenges, and opportunities for information retrieval: Report from SWIRL 2012 the second strategic workshop on information retrieval in Lorne
J Allan, B Croft, A Moffat, M Sanderson
Acm sigir forum 46 (1), 2-32, 2012
Irony detection via sentiment-based transfer learning
S Zhang, X Zhang, J Chan, P Rosso
Information Processing & Management 56 (5), 1633-1644, 2019
Comments on" data mining static code attributes to learn defect predictors"
H Zhang, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (9), 635-637, 2007
A probabilistic method for emerging topic tracking in microblog stream
J Huang, M Peng, H Wang, J Cao, W Gao, X Zhang
World Wide Web 20, 325-350, 2017
Abundance of intrinsically unstructured proteins in P. falciparum and other apicomplexan parasite proteomes
ZP Feng, X Zhang, P Han, N Arora, RF Anders, RS Norton
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 150 (2), 256-267, 2006
Detection of opinion spam based on anomalous rating deviation
D Savage, X Zhang, X Yu, P Chou, Q Wang
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (22), 8650-8657, 2015
Predicting defective software components from code complexity measures
H Zhang, X Zhang, M Gu
13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2007 …, 2007
Exploring constraints to efficiently mine emerging patterns from large high-dimensional datasets
X Zhang, G Dong, R Kotagiri
Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2000
KRNN: k rare-class nearest neighbour classification
X Zhang, Y Li, R Kotagiri, L Wu, Z Tari, M Cheriet
Pattern Recognition 62, 33-44, 2017
Commtrust: Computing multi-dimensional trust by mining e-commerce feedback comments
X Zhang, L Cui, Y Wang
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 26 (7), 1631-1643, 2013
The secondary use of electronic health records for data mining: Data characteristics and challenges
T Sarwar, S Seifollahi, J Chan, X Zhang, V Aksakalli, I Hudson, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (2), 1-40, 2022
Trustworthy recommender systems
S Wang, X Zhang, Y Wang, F Ricci
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 15 (4), 1-20, 2024
Improving k Nearest Neighbor with Exemplar Generalization for Imbalanced Classification
Y Li, X Zhang
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia …, 2011
Early detection of rumours on twitter via stance transfer learning
L Tian, X Zhang, Y Wang, H Liu
Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research …, 2020
On the credibility perception of news on Twitter: Readers, topics and features
SM Shariff, X Zhang, M Sanderson
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 785-796, 2017
Information-based classification by aggregating emerging patterns
X Zhang, G Dong, K Ramamohanarao
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2000
Twitter analytics: a big data management perspective
O Goonetilleke, T Sellis, X Zhang, S Sathe
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 16 (1), 11-20, 2014
Efficient mining of high confidence association rules without support thresholds
J Li, X Zhang, G Dong, K Ramamohanarao, Q Sun
Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Third European Conference …, 1999
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