Laudemir Carlos Varanda
Laudemir Carlos Varanda
Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, University of São Paulo
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Carbon-supported Pt− Co catalysts prepared by a modified polyol process as cathodes for pem fuel cells
EI Santiago, LC Varanda, HM Villullas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (7), 3146-3151, 2007
Co-precipitation synthesis of (Zn-Mn)-co-doped magnetite nanoparticles and their application in magnetic hyperthermia
LB de Mello, LC Varanda, FA Sigoli, IO Mazali
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 779, 698-705, 2019
Self-Assembled FePt Nanocrystals with Large Coercivity:  Reduction of the fcc-to-L10 Ordering Temperature
LC Varanda, M Jafelicci
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (34), 11062-11066, 2006
Structural and magnetic transformation of monodispersed iron oxide particles in a reducing atmosphere
LC Varanda, M Jafelicci Jr, P Tartaj, K O’grady, T Gonzalez-Carreno, ...
Journal of applied physics 92 (4), 2079-2085, 2002
The Aerosol OT + n-Butanol + n-Heptane + Water System:  Phase Behavior, Structure Characterization, and Application to Pt70Fe30 Nanoparticle Synthesis
AR Malheiro, LC Varanda, J Perez, HM Villullas
Langmuir 23 (22), 11015-11020, 2007
Bismuth and cerium doped cryptomelane-type manganese dioxide nanorods as bifunctional catalysts for rechargeable alkaline metal-air batteries
NV Bôas, JBS Junior, LC Varanda, SAS Machado, ML Calegaro
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 258, 118014, 2019
Monodispersed spindle-type goethite nanoparticles from Fe III solutions
LC Varanda, MP Morales, M Jafelicci Jr, CJ Serna
Journal of materials chemistry 12 (12), 3649-3653, 2002
Strontium zirconate heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity evaluation
JR de Oliveira Lima, YA Ghani, RB da Silva, FMC Batista, RA Bini, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 445, 76-82, 2012
Size and shape-controlled nanomaterials based on modified polyol and thermal decomposition approaches. A brief review.
LC Varanda, CGS Souza, DA Moraes, HR Neves, JB Souza Junior, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 91, e20181180, 2019
O mundo dos colóides
Química nova na escola 9, 9-13, 1999
A general one-pot synthetic strategy to reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and rGO-nanoparticle hybrid materials
RF Albers, RA Bini, JB Souza Jr, DT Machado, LC Varanda
Carbon 143, 73-84, 2019
Soft nanocomposites of gelatin and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) nanoparticles for dual drug release
RA Bini, MF Silva, LC Varanda, MA da Silva, CA Dreiss
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 157, 191-198, 2017
Formation mechanism via a heterocoagulation approach of FePt nanoparticles using the modified polyol process
W Beck Jr, CGS Souza, TL Silva, M Jafelicci Jr, LC Varanda
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (21), 10475-10482, 2011
Sisal cellulose and magnetite nanoparticles: Formation and properties of magnetic hybrid films
DM Furlan, DL Morgado, AJA de Oliveira, ÂD Faceto, DA de Moraes, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (2), 2170-2179, 2019
Electrocatalytic activity of platinum nanoparticles supported on different phases of tungsten carbides for the oxygen reduction reaction
JL Bott-Neto, W Beck Jr, LC Varanda, EA Ticianelli
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (32), 20677-20688, 2017
Electrocatalytic activity of different phases of molybdenum carbide/carbon and platinum–molybdenum carbide/carbon composites toward the oxygen reduction reaction
AM GómezMarín, JL BottNeto, JB Souza Jr, TL Silva, W Beck Jr, ...
ChemElectroChem 3 (10), 1570-1579, 2016
DextranCoated Antiferromagnetic MnO Nanoparticles for a T1MRI Contrast Agent with High Colloidal Stability
HR Neves, RA Bini, JHO Barbosa, CEG Salmon, LC Varanda
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 33 (3), 167-176, 2016
Iron Oxide Versus FePt/FeO: Improved Magnetic Properties of Core/Shell Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
LC Varanda, M Imaizumi, FJ Santos, M Jafelicci Jr
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11), 4448-4451, 2008
O mundo dos colóides
MJ Junior, LC Varanda
Química nova na escola 9, 9-13, 1999
Catalytic hydrogenation of organic dyes by Ag nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide
BC Mascarenhas, LC Varanda
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 103, 124-135, 2021
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