Andrea Giovannucci
Andrea Giovannucci
Senior Principal Scientist. Bristol Myers Squibb.
在 bms.com 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
NoRMCorre: An online algorithm for piecewise rigid motion correction of calcium imaging data
EA Pnevmatikakis, A Giovannucci
Journal of neuroscience methods 291, 83-94, 2017
CaImAn an open source tool for scalable calcium imaging data analysis
A Giovannucci, J Friedrich, P Gunn, J Kalfon, BL Brown, SA Koay, ...
elife 8, e38173, 2019
Efficient and accurate extraction of in vivo calcium signals from microendoscopic video data
P Zhou, SL Resendez, J Rodriguez-Romaguera, JC Jimenez, SQ Neufeld, ...
elife 7, e28728, 2018
An anytime algorithm for optimal coalition structure generation
T Rahwan, SD Ramchurn, NR Jennings, A Giovannucci
Journal of artificial intelligence research 34, 521-567, 2009
Cerebellar granule cells acquire a widespread predictive feedback signal during motor learning
A Giovannucci, A Badura, B Deverett, F Najafi, TD Pereira, Z Gao, I Ozden, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (5), 727-734, 2017
Fast calcium sensor proteins for monitoring neural activity
A Badura, XR Sun, A Giovannucci, LA Lynch, SSH Wang
Neurophotonics 1 (2), 025008-025008, 2014
Cerebellar associative sensory learning defects in five mouse autism models
AD Kloth, A Badura, A Li, A Cherskov, SG Connolly, A Giovannucci, ...
elife 4, e06085, 2015
Anytime optimal coalition structure generation
T Rahwan, SD Ramchurn, VD Dang, A Giovannucci, NR Jennings
AAAI 7, 1184-1190, 2007
Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy
Z Liu, X Lu, V Villette, Y Gou, KL Colbert, S Lai, S Guan, MA Land, J Lee, ...
Cell 185 (18), 3408-3425. e29, 2022
Two-photon calcium imaging of neuronal activity
C Grienberger, A Giovannucci, W Zeiger, C Portera-Cailliau
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2 (1), 67, 2022
Trust-based mechanisms for robust and efficient task allocation in the presence of execution uncertainty
SD Ramchurn, C Mezzetti, A Giovannucci, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, ...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 35, 119-159, 2009
Onacid: Online analysis of calcium imaging data in real time
A Giovannucci, J Friedrich, M Kaufman, A Churchland, D Chklovskii, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 30, 2017
Bidding languages and winner determination for mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions
J Cerquides, U Endriss, A Giovannucci, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar
Coding of stimulus strength via analog calcium signals in Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice
F Najafi, A Giovannucci, SSH Wang, JF Medina
Elife 3, e03663, 2014
Sensory-driven enhancement of calcium signals in individual Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice
F Najafi, A Giovannucci, SSH Wang, JF Medina
Cell reports 6 (5), 792-798, 2014
VolPy: Automated and scalable analysis pipelines for voltage imaging datasets
C Cai, J Friedrich, A Singh, MH Eybposh, EA Pnevmatikakis, K Podgorski, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (4), e1008806, 2021
Online analysis of microendoscopic 1-photon calcium imaging data streams
J Friedrich, A Giovannucci, EA Pnevmatikakis
PLoS computational biology 17 (1), e1008565, 2021
Towards automated procurement via agent-aware negotiation support
A Giovannucci, JA Rodríguez-Aguilar, A Reyes, FX Noria, J Cerquides
International Conference on Autonomous Agents: Proceedings of the Third …, 2004
A deep learning framework for inference of single-trial neural population activity from calcium imaging with sub-frame temporal resolution
F Zhu, HA Grier, R Tandon, C Cai, A Giovannucci, MT Kaufman, ...
Nature Neuroscience, 2022
Computationally-efficient winner determination for mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions
A Giovannucci, M Vinyals, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
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