Teemu Roos
Teemu Roos
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Cited by
A probabilistic approach to WLAN user location estimation
T Roos, P Myllymäki, H Tirri, P Misikangas, J Sievänen
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 9, 155-164, 2002
A statistical modeling approach to location estimation
T Roos, P Myllymaki, H Tirri
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1 (1), 59-69, 2002
Location estimation in wireless telecommunication networks
P Myllymäki, H Tirri, P Kontkanen, J Lahtinen, T Silander, T Roos, ...
US Patent 7,228,136, 2007
On discriminative Bayesian network classifiers and logistic regression
T Roos, H Wettig, P Grünwald, P Myllymäki, H Tirri
Machine Learning 59, 267-296, 2005
User-generated free-form gestures for authentication: Security and memorability
M Sherman, G Clark, Y Yang, S Sugrim, A Modig, J Lindqvist, A Oulasvirta, ...
12th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and …, 2014
Topics in probabilistic location estimation in wireless networks
P Kontkanen, P Myllymaki, T Roos, H Tirri, K Valtonen, H Wettig
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
Error estimate concerning a target device's location operable to move in a wireless environment
P Myllymäki, P Kontkanen, T Roos, K Valtonen, J Lahtinen, H Wettig, ...
US Patent 7,209,752, 2007
Semi-supervised learning for WLAN positioning
T Pulkkinen, T Roos, P Myllymäki
21st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-2011 …, 2011
Evaluating methods for computer-assisted stemmatology using artificial benchmark data sets
T Roos, T Heikkilä
Literary and Linguistic Computing 24 (4), 417-433, 2009
Minimum description length revisited
P Grünwald, T Roos
International Journal of Mathematics for Industry, 2020
Factorized normalized maximum likelihood criterion for learning Bayesian network structures
T Silander, T Roos, P Kontkanen, P Myllymäki
4th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-08), 257-272, 2008
Fast nearest neighbor search through sparse random projections and voting
V Hyvönen, T Pitkänen, S Tasoulis, E Jääsaari, R Tuomainen, L Wang, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 881-888, 2016
Discriminative learning of Bayesian networks via factorized conditional log-likelihood
AM Carvalho, T Roos, AL Oliveira, P Myllymäki
Journal of Machine Learning Research 12 (Jul), 2181-2210, 2011
On sequentially normalized maximum likelihood models
T Roos, J Rissanen
1st Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering …, 2008
MDL denoising revisited
T Roos, P Myllymaki, J Rissanen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 3347-3360, 2009
Transfer learning with ensembles of deep neural networks for skin cancer detection in imbalanced data sets
AS Qureshi, T Roos
Neural Processing Letters 55, 4461–4479, 2023
Conditional NML universal models
J Rissanen, T Roos
2007 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 337-341, 2007
Learning locally minimax optimal Bayesian networks
T Silander, T Roos, P Myllymäki
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51 (5), 544-557, 2010
Bayesian network structure learning using factorized NML universal models
T Roos, T Silander, P Kontkanen, P Myllymaki
2008 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 272-276, 2008
AI-generated content: Authorship and inventorship in the age of artificial intelligence
RM Ballardini, K He, T Roos
Online Distribution of Content in the EU, 2019
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Articles 1–20