Simon Y. W. Li
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Cited by
A systematic review of the psychological literature on interruption and its patient safety implications
SYW Li, F Magrabi, E Coiera
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (1), 6-12, 2012
The effect of interruptions on postcompletion and other procedural errors: an account based on the activation-based goal memory model.
SYW Li, A Blandford, P Cairns, RM Young
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 14 (4), 314, 2008
Errors and electronic prescribing: a controlled laboratory study to examine task complexity and interruption effects
F Magrabi, SYW Li, RO Day, E Coiera
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (5), 575-583, 2010
Further investigations into post-completion error: the effects of interruption position and duration
A Abeles, A Blandford, P Cairns, AL Cox, SYW Li, RM Young
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 28 (28), 2006
Job insecurity: Cross-cultural comparison between Germany and China
LC Roll, O Siu, SYW Li, H De Witte
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2 (1), 36-54, 2015
Challenges in measuring the impact of interruption on patient safety and workflow outcomes
F Magrabi, SYW Li, AG Dunn, E Coeira
Methods of information in medicine 50 (05), 447-453, 2011
Human error: The impact of job insecurity on attention-related cognitive errors and error detection
LC Roll, O Siu, SYW Li, H De Witte
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (13), 2427, 2019
Spearcons for patient monitoring: Laboratory investigation comparing earcons and spearcons
SYW Li, TL Tang, A Hickling, S Yau, B Brecknell, PM Sanderson
Human Factors 59 (5), 765-781, 2017
Effects of monetary reward and punishment on information checking behaviour
SYW Li, AL Cox, C Or, A Blandford
Applied ergonomics 53, 258-266, 2016
Personal experience in doctor and patient decision making: from psychology to medicine
SYW Li, T Rakow, BR Newell
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 15 (6), 993-995, 2009
Post-completion errors in problem solving
SYW Li, A Blandford, P Cairns, RM Young
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science …, 2005
Theoretical approaches of online social network interventions and implications for behavioral change: a systematic review
A Arguel, O Perez‐Concha, SYW Li, AYS Lau
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 24 (1), 212-221, 2018
Monitoring vital signs with time-compressed speech.
PM Sanderson, B Brecknell, SY Leong, S Klueber, E Wolf, A Hickling, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 25 (4), 647, 2019
Why is it so difficult to measure the effects of interruptions in healthcare?
F Magrabi, SYW Li, AG Dunn, E Coiera
MEDINFO 2010, 784-788, 2010
Spearcon sequences for monitoring multiple patients: Laboratory investigation comparing two auditory display designs
SYW Li, MK Tse, B Brecknell, PM Sanderson
Human Factors 61 (2), 288-304, 2019
Comparison of the effects of automated and manual record keeping on anesthetists’ monitoring performance: randomized controlled simulation study
MK Tse, SYW Li, TH Chiu, CW Lau, KM Lam, CPB Cheng
JMIR Human Factors 7 (2), e16036, 2020
Visual differentiation and recognition memory of look-alike drug names: effects of disfluent format, text enhancement and exposure time
K Liu, CKL Or, SYW Li
Ergonomics 62 (10), 1289-1300, 2019
Reasoning about human error by modeling cognition and interaction
A Blandford, J Back, P Curzon, SYW Li, R Rukšėnas
Learning from Diversity: Model-Based Evaluation of Opportunities for Process …, 2006
Effects of monetary reward and punishment on information checking behaviour: An eye-tracking study
SYW Li, AL Cox, C Or, A Blandford
Applied Ergonomics 70, 110-117, 2018
Effects of multitasking on interpreting a spearcon sequence display for monitoring multiple patients
A Neary, SYW Li, I Salisbury, RG Loeb, PM Sanderson
Applied Ergonomics 112, 104072, 2023
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