University of Abomey Calavi, Benin
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Current flood risk management practices in Ghana: Gaps and opportunities for improving resilience
A Almoradie, MM de Brito, M Evers, A Bossa, M Lumor, C Norman, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12664, 2020
Land use change increases flood hazard: a multi-modelling approach to assess change in flood characteristics driven by socio-economic land use change scenarios
J Hounkpè, B Diekkrüger, AA Afouda, LOC Sintondji
Natural Hazards 98, 1021-1050, 2019
Non-stationary flood frequency analysis in the Ouémé River Basin, Benin Republic
J Hounkpè, B Diekkrüger, DF Badou, AA Afouda
Hydrology 2 (4), 210-229, 2015
Urban flash flood and extreme rainfall events trend analysis in Bamako, Mali
M Fofana, J Adounkpe, I Larbi, J Hounkpe, HD Koubodana, A Toure, ...
Environmental Challenges 6, 100449, 2022
Evaluation of recent hydro-climatic changes in four tributaries of the Niger River Basin (West Africa)
DF Badou, E Kapangaziwiri, B Diekkrüger, J Hounkpè, A Afouda
Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (5), 715-728, 2017
Change in Heavy Rainfall Characteristics over the Ouémé River Basin, Benin Republic, West Africa
J Hounkpè, B Diekkrüger, DF Badou, AA Afouda
Climate 4 (1), 15, 2016
African perspectives on climate change research
M Al-Zu’bi, SW Dejene, J Hounkpè, OL Kupika, S Lwasa, M Mbenge, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (12), 1078-1084, 2022
Flood risk assessment and mapping in the Hadejia River Basin, Nigeria, using hydro-geomorphic approach and multi-criterion decision-making method
A Shuaibu, J Hounkpè, YA Bossa, RM Kalin
Water 14 (22), 3709, 2022
Modelling non-stationary extreme streamflow in Peninsular Malaysia
NAM Jan, A Shabri, J Hounkpè, B Badyalina
International Journal of Water 12 (2), 116-140, 2018
Nouveaux risques dans les bas-fonds des terroirs soudaniens. Une étude de cas au Burkina Faso
G Serpantié, A Dorée, JL Fusillier, P Moity Maizi, B Lidon, M Douanio, ...
Managing new risks of and opportunities for the agricultural development of West-African floodplains: Hydroclimatic conditions and implications for rice production
AY Bossa, J Hounkpè, Y Yira, G Serpantié, B Lidon, JL Fusillier, ...
Climate 8 (1), 11, 2020
Assessing observed and projected flood vulnerability under climate change using multi-modeling statistical approaches in the Ouémé River Basin, Benin (West Africa)
J Hounkpè, DF Badou, DMM Ahouansou, E Totin, LOC Sintondji
Regional Environmental Change 22 (4), 112, 2022
Modeling climate change impact on the hydropower potential of the Bamboi catchment
TC Mutsindikwa, Y Yira, AY Bossa, J Hounkpè, S Salack, IA Saley, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 7, 2709-2717, 2021
Effets du labour mécanisé successif sur le statut nutritif du sol et le rendement du Riz pluvial dans la commune d’Abomey Calavi (Sud Bénin)
CS Atidegla, LO Sintondji, J Hounkpe, E Kpadonou
European Scientific Journal 13 (30), 341, 2017
Assessing the climate and land use changes impact on flood hazard in Ouémé River Basin, Benin (West Africa)
J Hounkpe
WASCAL, 2016
Modelling extreme streamflows under non-stationary conditions in the Ouémé River basin, Benin, West Africa
J Hounkpè, AA Afouda, B Diekkrüger, F Hountondji
Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present and Future 366, 143-144, 2015
Potential for seasonal flood forecasting in West Africa using climate indexes
J Hounkpè, B Merz, FD Badou, AY Bossa, Y Yira, EA Lawin
Journal of Flood Risk Management 18 (1), e12833, 2025
Etude de Vulnérabilité face aux changements climatiques du Secteur Ressources en Eau au Bénin. Report produced under the project “Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus de …
L Sintondji, F Badou, M Ahouansou, J Hounkpe, R Assogba Balle, ...
Increasing devastating flood events in West Africa: who is to blame?
FD Badou, J Hounkpè, Y Yira, M Ibrahim, AY Bossa
Regional Climate Change Series: Floods, 2019
Flood Forecasting and Warning System: A Survey of Models and Their Applications in West Africa
M Fofana, J Adounkpe, SQ Dotse, H Bokar, AM Limantol, J Hounkpe, ...
American Journal of Climate Change 12 (1), 1-20, 2023
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