Marta Filipa Mateus Marques
Cited by
Cited by
Linking lesions in sensorimotor cortex to contralateral hand function in multiple sclerosis: a 7 T MRI study
MAJ Madsen, V Wiggermann, MFM Marques, H Lundell, S Cerri, O Puonti, ...
Brain 145 (10), 3522-3535, 2022
Grey matter matters: The impact of regional cortical lesions, investigated with 7T MRI, on sensorimotor function in Danish MS patients
MAJ Madsen, V Wiggermann, MFM Marques, H Lundell, S Cerri, O Puonti, ...
DAREMUS: Nationalt MS forskningsmøde 2021, 2021
Kortikale læsioner synlige på 7T MR scanninger forårsager lokale ændringer i kortikal funktion og område specifikke symptomer
MAJ Madsen, V Wiggermann, MFM Marques, H Lundell, S Cerri, O Puonti, ...
Scleroseforeningens fondsmodtager møde, 2021
Cortical lesions detected with 7T MRI are associated with disruption of local cortical function and area specific symptoms
MAJ Madsen, V Wiggermann, MFM Marques, H Lundell, S Cerri, O Puonti, ...
European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis: Virtual …, 2021
Effects of a single cortical lesion on functional activation in the primary somatosensory cortex-a case study in multiple sclerosis
MAJ Madsen, MFM Marques, KW Andersen, H Lundell, FT Sellebjerg, ...
NeuroGrad Winter School 2020, 2020
Betydningen af en kortikal læsion for patienters håndfunktion-kan 7T magnetisk resonans af hjernebarken give et svar?
MAJ Madsen, MFM Marques, H Lundell, FT Sellebjerg, AM Leffers, ...
Scleroseforeningens fondsmodtagermøde 2020, 2020
Effects of a single cortical lesion on functional activation in the primary somatosensory cortex-a case study
MAJ Madsen, MFM Marques, KW Andersen, H Lundell, F Sellebjerg, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 25 (2_suppl), 704-705, 2019
Development of an image processing pipeline for the study of corticol lesions in multiple sclerosis patients using ultra-high field MRI
MFM Marques
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Articles 1–8