Andrei Smolyakov
Andrei Smolyakov
在 usask.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Nonlinear evolution of tearing modes in inhomogeneous plasmas
AI Smolyakov
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 35 (6), 657, 1993
Rotating nonlinear magnetic islands in a tokamak plasma
AI Smolyakov, A Hirose, E Lazzaro, GB Re, JD Callen
Physics of Plasmas 2 (5), 1581-1598, 1995
Zonal flow generation by parametric instability in magnetized plasmas and geostrophic fluids
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond, VI Shevchenko
Physics of Plasmas 7 (5), 1349-1351, 2000
Coherent structure phenomena in drift wave–zonal flow turbulence
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond, M Malkov
Physical review letters 84 (3), 491, 2000
Kinetic effects in a Hall thruster discharge
ID Kaganovich, Y Raitses, D Sydorenko, A Smolyakov
Physics of Plasmas 14 (5), 2007
Physics of E× B discharges relevant to plasma propulsion and similar technologies
ID Kaganovich, A Smolyakov, Y Raitses, E Ahedo, IG Mikellides, B Jorns, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (12), 2020
Secondary instability in drift wave turbulence as a mechanism for zonal flow and avalanche formation
PH Diamond, S Champeaux, M Malkov, A Das, I Gruzinov, ...
Nuclear fusion 41 (8), 1067, 2001
Kinetic simulation of secondary electron emission effects in Hall thrusters
D Sydorenko, A Smolyakov, I Kaganovich, Y Raitses
Physics of Plasmas 13 (1), 2006
Fluid theory and simulations of instabilities, turbulent transport and coherent structures in partially-magnetized plasmas of E x B discharges
AI Smolyakov, O Chapurin, W Frias, O Koshkarov, I Romadanov, T Tang, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (LLNL-JRNL-737046), 2016
Screening of resonant magnetic perturbations by flows in tokamaks
M Becoulet, F Orain, P Maget, N Mellet, X Garbet, E Nardon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (5), 054003, 2012
2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas
T Charoy, JP Boeuf, A Bourdon, JA Carlsson, P Chabert, B Cuenot, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (10), 105010, 2019
Breakdown of a space charge limited regime of a sheath in a weakly collisional plasma bounded by walls with secondary electron emission
D Sydorenko, I Kaganovich, Y Raitses, A Smolyakov
Physical review letters 103 (14), 145004, 2009
Generalized action invariants for drift waves-zonal flow systems
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond
Physics of Plasmas 6 (12), 4410-4413, 1999
Plateau regime dynamics of the relaxation of poloidal rotation in tokamak plasmas
VB Lebedev, PN Yushmanov, PH Diamond, SV Novakovskii, ...
Physics of Plasmas 3 (8), 3023-3031, 1996
Effect of Secondary Electron Emission on Electron Cross-Field Current in Discharges
Y Raitses, ID Kaganovich, A Khrabrov, D Sydorenko, NJ Fisch, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (4), 995-1006, 2011
Long wavelength gradient drift instability in Hall plasma devices. I. Fluid theory
W Frias, AI Smolyakov, ID Kaganovich, Y Raitses
Physics of Plasmas 19 (7), 2012
The features of the global GAM in OH and ECRH plasmas in the T-10 tokamak
AV Melnikov, LG Eliseev, SV Perfilov, SE Lysenko, RV Shurygin, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (6), 063001, 2015
Nonlinear structures and anomalous transport in partially magnetized E× B plasmas
S Janhunen, A Smolyakov, O Chapurin, D Sydorenko, I Kaganovich, ...
Physics of Plasmas 25 (1), 2018
Geodesic acoustic modes in magnetic confinement devices
GD Conway, AI Smolyakov, T Ido
Nuclear Fusion 62 (1), 013001, 2021
On neutral wind and blob motion in linear devices
SI Krasheninnikov, AI Smolyakov
Physics of Plasmas 10 (7), 3020-3021, 2003
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