Maheswaran S
Maheswaran S
在 serc.res.in 的电子邮件经过验证
Crystal growth and physical characterization of the semiorganic bis (thiourea) cadmium chloride
V Venkataramanan, S Maheswaran, JN Sherwood, HL Bhat
Journal of Crystal Growth 179 (3), 605-610, 1997
β-belite cements (β-dicalcium silicate) obtained from calcined lime sludge and silica fume
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, SKSS Karthikeyan, C Kokila, GS Palani
Cement and Concrete Composites, 2016
Strength improvement studies using new type wild strain Bacillus cereus on cement mortar.
S Maheswaran, SS Dasuru, ARC Murthy, B Bhuvaneshwari, VR Kumar, ...
CURRENT SCIENCE 106 (1), 50-57, 2014
An Overview on the Influence of Nano Silica in Concrete and a Research Initiative.
S Maheswaran, B Bhuvaneshwari, GS Palani, IR Nagesh, S Kalaiselvam.
Research Journal of Recent Sciences 2, 17-24, 2013
Effect of nano silica on mechanical properties and durability of normal strength concrete
S Gopinath, PC Mouli, ARC Murthy, NR Iyer, S Maheswaran.
Archives of Civil Engineering 58 (4), 433-444, 2012
Effect of high temperature on the properties of ternary blended cement pastes and mortars
S Maheswaran, NR Iyer, GS Palani, RA Pandi, DD Dikar, S Kalaiselvam
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 122 (2), 775-786, 2015
An overview of techniques based on biomimetics for sustainable development of concrete
VR Kumar, B Bhuvaneshwari, S Maheswaran, GS Palani, K Ravisankar, ...
Current Science(Bangalore) 101 (6), 741-747, 2011
Low-temperature preparation of belite from lime sludge and nano silica through solid-state reaction
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, S Arunbalaji, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 119 (3), 1845-1852, 2015
Investigation of Bacterial Activity on Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar in Different Curing Media
H Thiyagarajan, S Maheswaran, M Mapa, S Krishnamoorthy, ...
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 14, 125-133, 2016
Studies on Lime Sludge for Partial Replacement of Cement
S Maheswaran, VR Kumar, B Bhuvaneshwari, GS Palani, NR Iyer.
Applied Mechanics and Materials 71, 1015-1019, 2011
Scientometric analysis of area-wise publications in the field of structural engineering: a case study of SERC, India
S Maheswaran, RDS Kumar, KR Sridharan.
Annals of Library and Information Studies 56, 22-28, 2009
Investigations on the early hydration properties of synthesized β-belites blended cement pastes
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, GS Palani, S Sasmal
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016
Research publication trends in structural engineering based on Journal of Structural Engineering
S Maheswaran, RDS Kumar, KR Sridharan
Annals of Library and Information Studies 55, 17, 2008
Characterisation studies on the particle size effect of calcium carbonate in high-strength concrete
S Maheswaran, A Ramachandra Murthy, V Ramesh Kumar, A Karunanithi
Magazine of Concrete Research 73 (13), 661-673, 2021
& Sandhya, S.(2014). Strength improvement studies using new type wild strain Bacillus cereus on cement mortar
S Maheswaran, SS Dasuru, ARC Murthy, B Bhuvaneshwari, VR Kumar, ...
Current science, 50-57, 0
Thermal, Microstructural, and Mechanical Properties of Ternary Blended Geopolymers
SS Kumar, S Maheswaran
ACI Materials Journal 119 (4), 103-115, 2022
Pozzolanic effect of fly ash with calcined lime sludge
S Maheswaran, A Ramachandra Murthy, GN Sakthi Priya
ACI Materials Journal 115 (6), 925-934, 2018
Effect of lime water on the properties of silica fume blended cementitious composite
S Maheswaran, VR Kumar, MR Saffiq, G Smitha, ARC Murthy, NR Iyer
Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences 24, 491-498, 2017
Investigations on ground rubber tire powder incorporated textile reinforced concrete for flexural strengthening of RC beams
S Gopinath, I Bonadies, C Carfagna, S Maheswaran, MA Ramachandra, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 44 (6), 605-612, 2018
Synthesis methods for β-belite using lime sludge and silica particles
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras) 43 (4), 362-372, 2016
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