Jiankang Ren
Cooperative deep Q-learning with Q-value transfer for multi-intersection signal control
H Ge, Y Song, C Wu, J Ren, G Tan
IEEE Access 7, 40797-40809, 2019
Distributed multiagent coordinated learning for autonomous driving in highways based on dynamic coordination graphs
C Yu, X Wang, X Xu, M Zhang, H Ge, J Ren, L Sun, B Chen, G Tan
Ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems 21 (2), 735-748, 2019
mTS: Temporal-and spatial-collaborative charging for wireless rechargeable sensor networks with multiple vehicles
C Lin, Z Wang, J Deng, L Wang, J Ren, G Wu
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 99-107, 2018
Utility aware offloading for mobile-edge computing
R Bi, Q Liu, J Ren, G Tan
Tsinghua Science and Technology 26 (2), 239-250, 2020
Mixed-criticality scheduling on multiprocessors using task grouping
J Ren, LTX Phan
2015 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 25-34, 2015
Experimental study of an indoor temperature fuzzy control method for thermal comfort and energy saving using wristband device
W Li, J Zhang, T Zhao, J Ren
Building and Environment 187, 107432, 2021
Maximizing charging utility with obstacles through fresnel diffraction model
C Lin, F Gao, H Dai, J Ren, L Wang, G Wu
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2046-2055, 2020
CoDoC: A novel attack for wireless rechargeable sensor networks through denial of charge
C Lin, Z Shang, W Du, J Ren, L Wang, G Wu
IEEE INFOCOm 2019-IEEE conference on computer communications, 856-864, 2019
An adaptive fault-tolerant communication scheme for body sensor networks
G Wu, J Ren, F Xia, Z Xu
Sensors 10 (11), 9590-9608, 2010
Robust wireless rechargeable sensor networks
W Yang, C Lin, H Dai, P Wang, J Ren, L Wang, G Wu, Q Zhang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (3), 949-964, 2022
Enabling multicast slices in edge networks
Y Qin, Q Xia, Z Xu, P Zhou, A Galis, OF Rana, J Ren, G Wu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 8485-8501, 2020
Guaranteeing fault-tolerant requirement load balancing scheme based on VM migration
L Yao, G Wu, J Ren, Y Zhu, Y Li
The Computer Journal 57 (2), 225-232, 2014
DISG: Decentralized inter-user interference suppression in body sensor networks with non-cooperative game
G Wu, J Ren, F Xia, L Yao, Z Xu
2010 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing and …, 2010
Analysis and evaluation of incentive mechanisms in P2P networks: a spatial evolutionary game theory perspective
G Cui, M Li, Z Wang, J Ren, D Jiao, J Ma
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (12), 3044-3064, 2015
A sensitive data aggregation scheme for body sensor networks based on data hiding
J Ren, G Wu, L Yao
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 17, 1317-1329, 2013
Intrusion Detection into CloudFogBased IoT Networks Using Game Theory
P Pirozmand, MA Ghafary, S Siadat, J Ren
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2020 (1), 8819545, 2020
Task allocation and migration algorithm for temperature-constrained real-time multi-core systems
G Wu, Z Xu, Q Xia, J Ren, F Xia
2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Green Computing and Communications & Int'l …, 2010
Learning automata-based data aggregation tree construction framework for cyber-physical systems
J Ren, G Wu, X Su, G Cui, F Xia, MS Obaidat
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (2), 1467-1479, 2018
Graph optimized data offloading for crowd-ai hybrid urban tracking in intelligent transportation systems
P Wang, Y Pan, C Lin, H Qi, J Ren, N Wang, Z Yu, D Zhou, Q Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (1), 1075-1087, 2022
Broadcast tree construction framework in tactile internet via dynamic algorithm
J Ren, C Lin, Q Liu, MS Obaidat, G Wu, G Tan
Journal of Systems and Software 136, 59-73, 2018
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