Wei, Feng(魏锋)
Wei, Feng(魏锋)
Associate researcher, Institute for Interdisplinary Research, Jianghan University
在 jhun.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Observing a model ion channel gating action in model cell membranes in real time in situ: membrane potential change induced alamethicin orientation change
S Ye, H Li, F Wei, J Jasensky, AP Boughton, P Yang, Z Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (14), 6237-6243, 2012
In situ molecular-level insights into the interfacial structure changes of membrane-associated prion protein fragment [118–135] investigated by sum frequency generation …
H Li, S Ye, F Wei, S Ma, Y Luo
Langmuir 28 (49), 16979-16988, 2012
Phosphate ions promoting association between peptide and modeling cell membrane revealed by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy
F Wei, S Ye, H Li, Y Luo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (21), 11095-11103, 2013
Structure and orientation of interfacial proteins determined by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy: method and application
S Ye, F Wei, H Li, K Tian, Y Luo
Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology 93, 213-255, 2013
α-quartz crystal as absolute intensity and phase standard in sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy
XH Hu, F Wei, H Wang, HF Wang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (24), 15071-15086, 2019
In-situ transformed Ni, S-codoped CoO from amorphous Co–Ni sulfide as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution in alkaline media
W Lu, X Li, F Wei, K Cheng, W Li, Y Zhou, W Zheng, L Pan, G Zhang
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (14), 12501-12509, 2019
An approach to compatible multiple nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy measurements using a commercial sum frequency generation system
S Ye, F Wei
Analyst 136 (12), 2489-2494, 2011
Specific ion interaction dominates over hydrophobic matching effects in peptide–lipid bilayer interactions: the case of short peptide
F Wei, H Li, S Ye
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (49), 26190-26196, 2013
Assembly and relaxation behaviours of phosphatidylethanolamine monolayers investigated by polarization and frequency resolved SFG-VS
F Wei, W Xiong, W Li, W Lu, HC Allen, W Zheng
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (38), 25114-25122, 2015
Quantitative surface chirality detection with sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy: Twin polarization angle approach
F Wei, Y Xu, Y Guo, S Liu, H Wang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 22 (6), 592-600, 2009
Gel phase membrane retards amyloid β-peptide (1–42) fibrillation by restricting slaved diffusion of peptides on lipid bilayers
M Yang, K Wang, J Lin, L Wang, F Wei, J Zhu, W Zheng, L Shen
Langmuir 34 (28), 8408-8414, 2018
Elucidation of the pH-dependent electric double layer structure at the silica/water interface using heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy
F Wei, S Urashima, S Nihonyanagi, T Tahara
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (16), 8833-8846, 2023
Piperidinium-functionalized poly (vinylbenzyl chloride) cross-linked by polybenzimidazole as an anion exchange membrane with a continuous ionic transport pathway
W Lu, Z Yang, H Huang, F Wei, W Li, Y Yu, Y Gao, Y Zhou, G Zhang
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 59 (48), 21077-21087, 2020
A Spatially Confined gC3N4–Pt Electrocatalyst with Robust Stability
K Cheng, K Zhu, S Liu, M Li, J Huang, L Yu, Z Xia, C Zhu, X Liu, W Li, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (25), 21306-21312, 2018
Preparation of carbon encapsulated Li4Ti5O12 anode material for lithium ion battery through pre-coating method
Q Cheng, S Tang, C Liu, Q Lan, J Zhao, J Liang, F Wei, ZQ Liu, YC Cao
Ionics 23, 3031-3036, 2017
Molecular-level insights into N–N π-bond rotation in the pH-induced interfacial isomerization of 5-octadecyloxy-2-(2-pyridylazo) phenol monolayer investigated by sum frequency …
F Wei, S Ye
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (31), 16553-16560, 2012
Intramolecular vibrational coupling in water molecules revealed by compatible multiple nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic measurements
S Ye, S Ma, F Wei, H Li
Analyst 137 (21), 4981-4987, 2012
Stern-layer adsorption of oligonucleotides on lamellar cationic lipid bilayer investigated by polarization-resolved SFG-VS
L Wang, Y Shen, Y Yang, W Lu, W Li, F Wei, G Zheng, Y Zhou, W Zheng, ...
ACS omega 2 (12), 9241-9249, 2017
Laser Linewidth and Spectral Resolution in Infrared Scanning Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy System
F Wei, W Xia, Z Hu, W Li, J Zhang, W Zheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 29 (2), 171-178, 2016
Interfacial Structure and Transformation of Guanine-Rich Oligonucleotides on Solid Supported Lipid Bilayer Investigated by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy
F Wei, K Tian, W Zheng
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (48), 27038–27044, 2015
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