Jean-Philippe Tarel
Jean-Philippe Tarel
Researcher, Gustave Eiffel University, France
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Fast visibility restoration from a single color or gray level image
JP Tarel, N Hautiere
International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009. ICCV 2009. IEEE 12th …, 2009
Real time obstacle detection in stereovision on non flat road geometry through v-disparity representation
R Labayrade, D Aubert, JP Tarel
Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2002. IEEE 2, 646-651, vol. 2, 2002
Blind contrast enhancement assessment by gradient ratioing at visible edges
N Hautière, JP Tarel, D Aubert, E Dumont
Image Analysis & Stereology 27 (2), 87-95, 2011
Blind contrast enhancement assessment by gradient ratioing at visible edges
N Hautière, JP Tarel, D Aubert, É Dumont
Image Analysis & Stereology Journal 27 (2), 87-95, 2008
Blind contrast restoration assessment by gradient rationing at visible edges
N Hautière, JP Tarel, D Aubert, E Dumont
Proc. Int. Congr. Stereology (ICS’07), 2007
Blind contrast restoration assessment by gradient radioing at visible edges
N Hautiere, JP Tarel, D Aubert, E Dumont
Proc. of International Congress for Stereology 27 (2), 87-95, 0
Vision Enhancement in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Fog
JP Tarel, N Hautière, A Cord, H Halmaoui, L Caraffa, D Gruyer
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 4 (2), 6-20, 2012
Rain or snow detection in image sequences through use of a histogram of orientation of streaks
J Bossu, N Hautiere, JP Tarel
International journal of computer vision 93, 348-367, 2011
Automatic fog detection and estimation of visibility distance through use of an onboard camera
N Hautière, JP Tarel, J Lavenant, D Aubert
Machine Vision and Applications 17 (1), 8-20, 2006
Improved visibility of road scene images under heterogeneous fog
JP Tarel, N Hautiere, A Cord, D Gruyer, H Halmaoui
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2010. IEEE, 478-485, 2010
Towards fog-free in-vehicle vision systems through contrast restoration
N Hautière, JP Tarel, D Aubert
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR 2007. IEEE Conference on …, 2007
Evaluation of road marking feature extraction
T Veit, JP Tarel, P Nicolle, P Charbonnier
Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2008. 11th International IEEE Conference …, 2008
Generalized histogram intersection kernel for image recognition
S Boughorbel, JP Tarel, N Boujemaa
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2005. ICIP 2005. 3, 161 …, 2005
Road sign detection in images: A case study
R Belaroussi, P Foucher, JP Tarel, B Soheilian, P Charbonnier, ...
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010. ICPR 2010., 484-488, 2010
Improving the stability of algebraic curves for applications
T Tasdizen, JP Tarel, DB Cooper
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 9 (3), 405-416, 2000
The guided bilateral filter: When the joint/cross bilateral filter becomes robust
L Caraffa, JP Tarel, P Charbonnier
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (4), 1199-1208, 2015
Non-mercer kernels for svm object recognition
S Boughorbel, JP Tarel, F Fleuret
British Machine Vision Conference, 2004. BMVC 2004., 137-146, 2004
Detection and recognition of urban road markings using images
P Foucher, Y Sebsadji, JP Tarel, P Charbonnier, P Nicolle
Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2011. ITSC 2011. 14th International IEEE …, 2011
Conditionally positive definite kernels for svm based image recognition
S Boughorbel, JP Tarel, N Boujemaa
Multimedia and Expo, 2005. ICME 2005. IEEE International Conference on, 113-116, 2005
Pose estimation of free-form 3D objects without point matching using algebraic surface models
JP Tarel, H Civi, DB Cooper
IEEE Workshop on Model-Based 3D, 13-21, 1998
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Articles 1–20