daudon dominique
daudon dominique
Universités de GrenobleAlpes
在 3sr-grenoble.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Sustainable construction with repurposed materials in the context of a civil engineering–architecture collaboration
Y Sieffert, JM Huygen, D Daudon
Journal of Cleaner Production 67, 125-138, 2014
Numerical simulation of rock avalanches: Influence of a local dissipative contact model on the collective behavior of granular flows
G Mollon, V Richefeu, P Villard, D Daudon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F2), 2012
A micro mechanical comparison between experimental results and numerical simulation of a biaxial test on 2D granular material
D Daudon, J Lanier, M Jean
Powders & Grains 97, 219-222, 1997
Seismic and mechanical studies of the artificially triggered rockfall at Mount Néron (French Alps, December 2011)
P Bottelin, D Jongmans, D Daudon, A Mathy, A Helmstetter, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (12), 3175-3193, 2014
Dissipative contacts and realistic block shapes for modeling rock avalanches
V Richefeu, G Mollon, D Daudon, P Villard
Engineering Geology 149, 78-92, 2012
Discrete modelling of rock avalanches: sensitivity to block and slope geometries
G Mollon, V Richefeu, P Villard, D Daudon
Granular matter 17, 645-666, 2015
Adobe construction modeling by discrete element method: first methodological steps
D Daudon, Y Sieffert, O Albarracín, LG Libardi, G Navarta
Procedia Economics and Finance 18, 247-254, 2014
Predicting the drag coefficient of a granular flow using the discrete element method
L Favier, D Daudon, FV Donzé, J Mazars
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (06), P06012, 2009
Possible deviations from Griffith’s criterion in shallow slabs, and consequences on slab avalanche release
F Louchet, J Faillettaz, D Daudon, N Bédouin, E Collet, J Lhuissier, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2 (3/4), 157-161, 2002
Out-of-plane analysis of dry-stone walls using a pseudo-static experimental and numerical approach in scaled-down specimens
S Santa-Cruz, D Daudon, N Tarque, C Zanelli, J Alcántara
Engineering Structures 245, 112875, 2021
Rigid obstacle impacted by a supercritical cohesive granular flow using a 3D discrete element model
L Favier, D Daudon, FV Donzé
Cold Regions Science and Technology 85, 232-241, 2013
Snow toughness measurements and possible applications to avalanche triggering
J Faillettaz, D Daudon, D Bonjean, F Louchet
Proceedings ISSW, 540-543, 2002
Out-of-plane analysis of dry-stone walls using a pseudo-static experimental and numerical approach in natural-scale specimens
P Ita, S Santa-Cruz, D Daudon, N Tarque, A Párraga, V Ramos
Engineering Structures 288, 116153, 2023
Comparison of full-scale rockfall tests with 3D complex-shaped discrete element simulations
B Garcia, P Villard, V Richefeu, D Daudon
Engineering Geology 310, 106855, 2022
Influence of the morphology of slope and blocks on the energy dissipations in a rock avalanche
D Daudon, P Villard, V Richefeu, G Mollon
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 343 (2), 166-177, 2015
Sensitivity of a reinforced concrete protective gallery under a snow avalanche load
D Daudon, J Baroth, Y Ma, P Perrotin, M Mommessin
Structural safety 41, 47-56, 2013
Collision of shaped boulders with sand substrate investigated by experimental, stochastic, and discrete approaches
B Garcia, V Richefeu, J Baroth, D Daudon, P Villard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (11), e2019JF005500, 2020
Scale invariance of snow avalanche triggering mechanisms
J Faillettaz, F Louchet, JR Grasso, D Daudon, R Dendievel
Stevens JR ed Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 29, 528-531, 2002
Validation of a DEM granular flow model aimed at forecasting snow avalanche pressure
L Favier, D Daudon, FV Donzé, J Mazars
AIP Conference Proceedings 1145 (1), 617-620, 2009
Discrete element modeling of a rockfall in the south of the “Massif Central”, France
S Cuervo, D Daudon, V Richefeu, P Villard, J Lorentz
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
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