M. Jae Moon (문명재)
M. Jae Moon (문명재)
Underwood Distinguished Professor, Department of Public Policy and Management, Yonsei University
在 yonsei.ac.kr 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
The evolution of e‐government among municipalities: rhetoric or reality?
MJ Moon
Public administration review 62 (4), 424-433, 2002
Linking citizen satisfaction with e-government and trust in government
EW Welch, CC Hinnant, MJ Moon
Journal of public administration research and theory 15 (3), 371-391, 2005
Advancing e‐government at the grassroots: Tortoise or hare?
DF Norris, MJ Moon
Public administration review 65 (1), 64-75, 2005
Does managerial orientation matter? The adoption of reinventing government and e‐government at the municipal level
MJ Moon, DF Norris
Information systems journal 15 (1), 43-60, 2005
Fighting COVID‐19 with agility, transparency, and participation: Wicked policy problems and new governance challenges
MJ Moon
Public administration review 80 (4), 651-656, 2020
Organizational commitment revisited in new public management: Motivation, organizational culture, sector, and managerial level
MJ Moon
Public performance & management review, 177-194, 2000
The pursuit of managerial entrepreneurship: does organization matter?
MJ Moon
Public Administration Review, 31-43, 1999
Municipal reinvention: Managerial values and diffusion among municipalities
MJ Moon, P DeLeon
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 11 (3), 327-352, 2001
Does the perception of red tape constrain IT innovativeness in organizations? Unexpected results from a simultaneous equation model and implications
MJ Moon, S Bretschneiber
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 12 (2), 273-292, 2002
E-procurement management in state governments: diffusion of e-procurement practices and its determinants
MJ Moon
Journal of public procurement 5 (1), 54-72, 2005
Policy learning and crisis policy-making: quadruple-loop learning and COVID-19 responses in South Korea
S Lee, C Hwang, MJ Moon
Policy and Society 39 (3), 363-381, 2020
Do age, gender, and sector affect job satisfaction? Results from the Korean labor and income panel data
K Jung, M Jae Moon, SD Hahm
Review of Public Personnel Administration 27 (2), 125-146, 2007
Can state government actions affect innovation and its diffusion?: An extended communication model and empirical test
MJ Moon, S Bretschneider
Technological forecasting and social change 54 (1), 57-77, 1997
The evolution of internal IT applications and e-government studies in public administration: Research themes and methods
MJ Moon, J Lee, CY Roh
Administration & Society 46 (1), 3-36, 2014
Shaping administrative reform and governance: an examination of the political nexus triads in three Asian countries
MJ Moon, P Ingraham
Governance 11 (1), 77-100, 1998
Can IT help government to restore public trust? Declining public trust and potential prospects of IT in the public sector
MJ Moon
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Managerial coaching efficacy, work-related attitudes, and performance in public organizations: A comparative international study
S Kim, TM Egan, MJ Moon
Review of public personnel administration 34 (3), 237-262, 2014
Same bed, different dreams? A comparative analysis of citizen and bureaucrat perspectives on e-government
MJ Moon, EW Welch
Review of Public Personnel Administration 25 (3), 243-264, 2005
What drives global e-governance? An exploratory study at a macro level
MJ Moon, EW Welch, W Wong
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Is the world “flat” or “spiky”? Rethinking the governance implications of globalization for economic development
RC Feiock, MJ Moon, HJ Park
Debating Public Administration, 225-246, 2017
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