Songhua Xu
Songhua Xu
在 njit.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Automatic generation of artistic Chinese calligraphy
S Xu, FCM Lau, WK Cheung, Y Pan
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20 (3), 32-39, 2005
Leveraging social media to promote public health knowledge: example of cancer awareness via Twitter
S Xu, C Markson, KL Costello, CY Xing, K Demissie, AAM Llanos
JMIR public health and surveillance 2 (1), e5205, 2016
Yale Image Finder (YIF): a new search engine for retrieving biomedical images
S Xu, J McCusker, M Krauthammer
Bioinformatics 24 (17), 1968-1970, 2008
Ms RED: A novel multi-scale residual encoding and decoding network for skin lesion segmentation
D Dai, C Dong, S Xu, Q Yan, Z Li, C Zhang, N Luo
Medical image analysis 75, 102293, 2022
Detecting rumors through modeling information propagation networks in a social media environment
Y Liu, S Xu
IEEE Transactions on computational social systems 3 (2), 46-62, 2016
Example-based automatic music-driven conventional dance motion synthesis
R Fan, S Xu, W Geng
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (3), 501-515, 2011
A solid model based virtual hairy brush
S Xu, M Tang, F Lau, Y Pan
Computer Graphics Forum 21 (3), 299-308, 2002
The mental canvas: A tool for conceptual architectural design and analysis
J Dorsey, S Xu, G Smedresman, H Rushmeier, L McMillan
15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'07), 201-210, 2007
Personalized online document, image and video recommendation via commodity eye-tracking
S Xu, H Jiang, FCM Lau
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, 83-90, 2008
User-oriented document summarization through vision-based eye-tracking
S Xu, H Jiang, FCM Lau
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2009
Intelligent bus routing with heterogeneous human mobility patterns
Y Liu, C Liu, NJ Yuan, L Duan, Y Fu, H Xiong, S Xu, J Wu
Knowledge and Information Systems 50, 383-415, 2017
Advanced design for a realistic virtual brush
S Xu, FCM Lau, F Tang, Y Pan
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (3), 533-542, 2003
Keyword extraction and headline generation using novel word features
S Xu, S Yang, F Lau
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 24 (1), 1461-1466, 2010
Animating Chinese paintings through stroke-based decomposition
S Xu, Y Xu, SB Kang, DH Salesin, Y Pan, HY Shum
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 25 (2), 239-267, 2006
A deep learning model for transportation mode detection based on smartphone sensing data
X Liang, Y Zhang, G Wang, S Xu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (12), 5223-5235, 2019
Automatic generation of chinese calligraphic writings with style imitation
S Xu, H Jiang, T Jin, FCM Lau, Y Pan
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2009
Recommending personally interested contents by text mining, filtering, and interfaces
S Xu
US Patent 9,171,068, 2015
Light source estimation of outdoor scenes for mixed reality
Y Liu, X Qin, S Xu, E Nakamae, Q Peng
The Visual Computer 25, 637-646, 2009
A semantic relatedness approach for traceability link recovery
A Mahmoud, N Niu, S Xu
2012 20th IEEE international conference on program comprehension (ICPC), 183-192, 2012
Automatic generation of personal chinese handwriting by capturing the characteristics of personal handwriting
S Xu, T Jin, H Jiang, FCM Lau
Twenty-First IAAI Conference, 2009
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