Dominique Guyomard
Dominique Guyomard
Director of Research CNRS, Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), University of Nantes
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Synthesis conditions and oxygen stoichiometry effects on Li insertion into the spinel LiMn2 O 4
JM Tarascon, WR McKinnon, F Coowar, TN Bowmer, G Amatucci, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 141 (6), 1421, 1994
Li Metal‐Free Rechargeable LiMn2 O 4/Carbon Cells: Their Understanding and Optimization
D Guyomard, JM Tarascon
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 139 (4), 937, 1992
Lithium-ion batteries–Current state of the art and anticipated developments
M Armand, P Axmann, D Bresser, M Copley, K Edström, C Ekberg, ...
Journal of Power Sources 479, 228708, 2020
The Li1+ xMn2O4/C rocking-chair system: a review
JM Tarascon, D Guyomard
Electrochimica Acta 38 (9), 1221-1231, 1993
Structure and Stability of Sodium Intercalated Phases in Olivine FePO4
P Moreau, D Guyomard, J Gaubicher, F Boucher
Chemistry of Materials 22 (14), 4126-4128, 2010
Self‐discharge of LiMn2 O 4/C Li‐ion cells in their discharged state: understanding by means of three‐electrode measurements
A Blyr, C Sigala, G Amatucci, D Guyomard, Y Chabre, JM Tarascon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145 (1), 194, 1998
Li Metal‐Free Rechargeable Batteries Based on Li1+ x Mn2 O 4 Cathodes (0≤ x≤ 1) and Carbon Anodes
JM Tarascon, D Guyomard
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 138 (10), 2864, 1991
The carbon/Li1+ xMn2O4 system
D Guyomard, JM Tarascon
Solid State Ionics 69 (3-4), 222-237, 1994
New electrolyte compositions stable over the 0 to 5 V voltage range and compatible with the Li1+ xMn2O4/carbon Li-ion cells
JM Tarascon, D Guyomard
Solid State Ionics 69 (3-4), 293-305, 1994
On the binding mechanism of CMC in Si negative electrodes for Li-ion batteries
B Lestriez, S Bahri, I Sandu, L Roué, D Guyomard
Electrochemistry Communications 9 (12), 2801-2806, 2007
The failure mechanism of nano-sized Si-based negative electrodes for lithium ion batteries
Y Oumellal, N Delpuech, D Mazouzi, N Dupré, J Gaubicher, P Moreau, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (17), 6201-6208, 2011
Positive electrode materials with high operating voltage for lithium batteries: LiCryMn2− yO4 (0≤ y≤ 1)
C Sigala, D Guyomard, A Verbaere, Y Piffard, M Tournoux
Solid State Ionics 81 (3-4), 167-170, 1995
Silicon composite electrode with high capacity and long cycle life
D Mazouzi, B Lestriez, L Roué, D Guyomard
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 12 (11), A215, 2009
A low-cost and high performance ball-milled Si-based negative electrode for high-energy Li-ion batteries
M Gauthier, D Mazouzi, D Reyter, B Lestriez, P Moreau, D Guyomard, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (7), 2145-2155, 2013
Study of structural defects in γ‐MnO2 by Raman spectroscopy
C Julien, M Massot, S Rangan, M Lemal, D Guyomard
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 33 (4), 223-228, 2002
Rechargeable Li1+ x Mn2 O 4/carbon cells with a new electrolyte composition: potentiostatic studies and application to practical cells
D Guyomard, JM Tarascon
Journal of the electrochemical society 140 (11), 3071, 1993
Critical roles of binders and formulation at multiscales of silicon-based composite electrodes
D Mazouzi, Z Karkar, CR Hernandez, PJ Manero, D Guyomard, L Roué, ...
Journal of Power Sources 280, 533-549, 2015
LiMBO3 (M= Mn, Fe, Co):: synthesis, crystal structure and lithium deinsertion/insertion properties
V Legagneur, Y An, A Mosbah, R Portal, ALG La Salle, A Verbaere, ...
Solid State Ionics 139 (1-2), 37-46, 2001
From solid‐solution electrodes and the rocking‐chair concept to today's batteries
H Zhang, C Li, GG Eshetu, S Laruelle, S Grugeon, K Zaghib, C Julien, ...
Angewandte Chemie 132 (2), 542-546, 2020
Ionic vs electronic power limitations and analysis of the fraction of wired grains in LiFePO4 composite electrodes
C Fongy, AC Gaillot, S Jouanneau, D Guyomard, B Lestriez
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157 (7), A885, 2010
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Articles 1–20