Dan El Andrés Montoya Andrade
Dan El Andrés Montoya Andrade
Profesor de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad Central de Venezuela
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Maximizing output power of linear generators for wave energy conversion
A de la Villa Jaén, A GarcíaSantana, DE MontoyaAndrade
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 24 (6), 875-890, 2014
Considering linear generator copper losses on model predictive control for a point absorber wave energy converter
D Montoya, A de la Villa Jaen, AG Santana
Energy conversion and management 78, 173-183, 2014
Increasing the efficiency of the passive loading strategy for wave energy conversion
A de la Villa Jaén, DEM Andrade, A García Santana
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (5), 2013
Improvements in the reactive control and latching control strategies under maximum excursion constraints using short-time forecast
D Montoya, A de la Villa Jaén, AG Santana
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (1), 427-435, 2015
Control of hydrodynamic parameters of wave energy point absorbers using linear generators and VSC-based power converters connected to the grid
AG Santana, DEM Andrade, A Jaén
Int. l Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Spain, 2010
Control strategies for point absorbers considering linear generator copper losses and maximum excursion constraints
A de la Villa-Jaén, D El Montoya-Andrade, A Garcia-Santana
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 433-442, 2017
Passive Model Predictive Control on a Two-Body Self-Referenced Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter
D Montoya, E Tedeschi, L Castellini, T Martins
Energies 14 (6), 1731, 2021
Efficient computation of the short-time DFT based on a modified radix-2 decimation-in-frequency algorithm
DA Montoya-Andrade, JA Rosendo-Macías, A Gómez-Expósito
Signal processing 92 (10), 2525-2531, 2012
Output power of linear generators under reactive control in regular waves
A García, D Montoya, A de la Villa Jaén
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Renewable Energies and …, 2011
Output power of linear generators under reactive control in regular waves
AG Santana, DEM Andrade, A de la Villa Jaen
International Conference On Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ11 …, 2011
Performance comparison of offline and real-time models of a power take-off for qualification activities of wave energy converters
L Castellini, F Gallorini, G Alessandri, E Alves, D Montoya, E Tedeschi
2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable …, 2021
Short-time DFT computation by a modified radix-4 decimation-in-frequency algorithm
DEA Montoya, JAR Macías, A Gómez-Expósito
Signal processing 94, 81-89, 2014
Conception of a radial impulse turbine for an oscillating water column (OWC)
B Pereiras, D Montoya, F Castro, A de la Villa, A El Marjani, ...
Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Ocean Energy (ICOE 2010), 1-6, 2010
Design of a Turbine-Generator joint for an oscillating water column
B Pereiras, D Montoya, A de la Villa, F Castro, A El Marjani, P Perez
7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2011
Comparison between the modeled and simulation of the Flickermeter based on the Standard IEC-61000-4-15 through the Discrete Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform
D Montoya
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia 31 (1), 31-40, 2008
Comparison of offline, real-time models and hardware-in-the-loop test results of a power take-off for wave energy applications
L Castellini, F Gallorini, G Alessandri, EF Alves, D Montoya, B Mudigonda, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (11), 1744, 2022
Harmonic analysis of power system waveforms based on Chaari complex mother wavelet
D Montoya
7th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems 2007, 2007
An innovative Hardware-In-the-Loop rig for linear Power-Take-Off testing
G Alessandri, F Gallorini, L Castellini, D Montoya, EF Alves, E Tedeschi
International Marine Energy Journal 5 (3), 305-314, 2022
Modelado y control de centrales undimotrices con accionamiento directo mediante generador lineal ante oleaje irregular
DEAM Andrade, A de la Villa Jaén
Universidad de Sevilla, 2014
Two-stage three-phase/single-phase state estimation in smart grid environment
A de la Villa, JC del Pino, P Cruz, DE Montoya
2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON), 668-673, 2012
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