Yuejie Chi
Cited by
Cited by
Sensitivity to basis mismatch in compressed sensing
Y Chi, LL Scharf, A Pezeshki, AR Calderbank
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (5), 2182-2195, 2011
Nonconvex optimization meets low-rank matrix factorization: An overview
Y Chi, YM Lu, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (20), 5239-5269, 2019
Implicit regularization in nonconvex statistical estimation: Gradient descent converges linearly for phase retrieval, matrix completion and blind deconvolution
C Ma, K Wang, Y Chi, Y Chen
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 20, 451-632, 2020
Robust spectral compressed sensing via structured matrix completion
Y Chen, Y Chi
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60, 6576-6601, 2014
Off-the-grid line spectrum denoising and estimation with multiple measurement vectors
Y Li, Y Chi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (5), 1257-1269, 2015
Gradient descent with random initialization: Fast global convergence for nonconvex phase retrieval
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma
Mathematical Programming 176 (1), 5-37, 2019
Exact and stable covariance estimation from quadratic sampling via convex programming
Y Chen, Y Chi, AJ Goldsmith
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (7), 4034-4059, 2015
Spectral methods for data science: A statistical perspective
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma
Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 14 (5), 566-806, 2021
Compressive two-dimensional harmonic retrieval via atomic norm minimization
Y Chi, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (4), 1030-1042, 2014
Fast global convergence of natural policy gradient methods with entropy regularization
S Cen, C Cheng, Y Chen, Y Wei, Y Chi
Operations Research 70 (4), 2563-2578, 2022
Petrels: Parallel subspace estimation and tracking by recursive least squares from partial observations
Y Chi, YC Eldar, R Calderbank
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (23), 5947-5959, 2013
Noisy matrix completion: Understanding statistical guarantees for convex relaxation via nonconvex optimization
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma, Y Yan
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (4), 3098-3121, 2020
Harnessing structures in big data via guaranteed low-rank matrix estimation: Recent theory and fast algorithms via convex and nonconvex optimization
Y Chen, Y Chi
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 35 (4), 14-31, 2018
A nonconvex approach for phase retrieval: Reshaped Wirtinger flow and incremental algorithms
H Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Liang, Y Chi
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18, 1-35, 2017
Harnessing sparsity over the continuum: Atomic norm minimization for superresolution
Y Chi, MF Da Costa
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 37 (2), 39-57, 2020
Median-truncated nonconvex approach for phase retrieval with outliers
H Zhang, Y Chi, Y Liang
IEEE Transactions on information Theory 64 (11), 7287-7310, 2018
Breaking the sample size barrier in model-based reinforcement learning with a generative model
G Li, Y Wei, Y Chi, Y Chen
Operations Research 72 (1), 203-221, 2024
Guaranteed blind sparse spikes deconvolution via lifting and convex optimization
Y Chi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 10 (4), 782-794, 2016
Communication-efficient distributed optimization in networks with gradient tracking and variance reduction
B Li, S Cen, Y Chen, Y Chi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (1), 7331-7381, 2020
Sample complexity of asynchronous Q-learning: Sharper analysis and variance reduction
G Li, Y Wei, Y Chi, Y Gu, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (1), 448-473, 2021
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Articles 1–20