Natalia Ruiz
Natalia Ruiz
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Tracking land use, transport, and industrial production using random-utility-based multiregional input–output models: Applications for Texas trade
KM Kockelman, L Jin, Y Zhao, N Ruíz-Juri
Journal of Transport Geography 13 (3), 275-286, 2005
Improving the convergence of simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment methodologies
MW Levin, M Pool, T Owens, NR Juri, S Travis Waller
Networks and Spatial Economics 15, 655-676, 2015
E-scooters in urban infrastructure: Understanding sidewalk, bike lane, and roadway usage from trajectory data
N Zuniga-Garcia, NR Juri, KA Perrine, RB Machemehl
Case studies on transport policy 9 (3), 983-994, 2021
Integrated traffic simulation–statistical analysis framework for online prediction of freeway travel time
NR Juri, A Unnikrishnan, ST Waller
Transportation Research Record 2039 (1), 24-31, 2007
Evaluation of ride-sourcing search frictions and driver productivity: A spatial denoising approach
N Zuniga-Garcia, M Tec, JG Scott, N Ruiz-Juri, RB Machemehl
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 110, 346-367, 2020
Incorporating autonomous vehicles in the traditional four-step model
FF Dias, GS Nair, N Ruíz-Juri, CR Bhat, A Mirzaei
Transportation research record 2674 (7), 348-360, 2020
Map-matching algorithm for applications in multimodal transportation network modeling
K Perrine, A Khani, N Ruiz-Juri
Transportation Research Record 2537 (1), 62-70, 2015
Investigation of centroid connector placement for advanced traffic assignment models with added network detail
E Jafari, MD Gemar, NR Juri, J Duthie
Transportation Research Record 2498 (1), 19-26, 2015
Evaluation of the trans-texas corridor proposal: Application and enhancements of the random-utility-based multiregional input–output model
N Ruiz Juri, KM Kockelman
Journal of transportation engineering 132 (7), 531-539, 2006
Data-driven methodology for prioritizing traffic signal retiming operations
MR Dunn, HW Ross, C Baumanis, J Wall, J Lammert, J Duthie, ...
Transportation Research Record 2673 (6), 104-113, 2019
Role of transit in carless evacuation planning
O Cavusoglu, VP Sisiopiku, NR Juri
Natural Hazards Review 14 (3), 191-199, 2013
Extending the random-utility-based multiregional input-output model: Incorporating land-use constraints, domestic demand and network congestion in a model of Texas trade
NR Juri, KM Kockelman
Presented at the 83th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2004
Automated pedestrian safety analysis using data from traffic monitoring cameras
W Xu, N Ruiz-Juri, R Huang, J Duthie, J Clary
Proceedings of the 1st ACM/EIGSCC Symposium on Smart Cities and Communities, 1-8, 2018
Short Term Travel Time Prediction on Freeways in Conjunction with Detector Coverage Analysis
ST Waller, YC Chiu, N Ruiz-Juri, A Unnikrishnan, B Bustillos
Queue spillback and demand uncertainty in dynamic network loading
SD Boyles, N Ruiz Juri
Transportation Research Record 2673 (2), 38-48, 2019
Investigating regional dynamic traffic assignment modeling for improved bottleneck analysis
JC Duthie, N Nezamuddin, NR Juri, T Rambha, C Melson, CM Pool, ...
Investigating the Use of Machine Learning Methods in Direct Ridership Models for Bus Transit
G Sivakumar Nair, A Mirzaei, N Ruiz-Juri
Transportation Research Record 2677 (3), 768-781, 2023
Using National Performance Management Research Data Set for Corridor Performance Measures: A US-281N Corridor Case Study
V Pandey, NR Juri
Transportation Research Record 2672 (42), 257-267, 2018
Travel Modeling in an Era of Connected and Automated Transportation Systems: An Investigation in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area
GS Nair, FF Dias, N Ruiz-Juri, J Kuhr, CR Bhat
A workload aware model of computational resource selection for big data applications
A Gupta, W Xu, N Ruiz-Juri, K Perrine
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2243-2250, 2016
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Articles 1–20