Alejandro Luque
Alejandro Luque
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
在 iaa.csic.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Positive and negative streamers in ambient air: modelling evolution and velocities
A Luque, V Ratushnaya, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (23), 234005, 2008
Photoionization in negative streamers: Fast computations and two propagation modes
A Luque, U Ebert, C Montijn, W Hundsdorfer
Applied physics letters 90 (8), 2007
Review of recent results on streamer discharges and discussion of their relevance for sprites and lightning
U Ebert, S Nijdam, C Li, A Luque, T Briels, E van Veldhuizen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A7), 2010
Probing photo-ionization: simulations of positive streamers in varying N2: O2-mixtures
G Wormeester, S Pancheshnyi, A Luque, S Nijdam, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (50), 505201, 2010
Comparison of six simulation codes for positive streamers in air
B Bagheri, J Teunissen, U Ebert, MM Becker, S Chen, O Ducasse, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (9), 095002, 2018
Emergence of sprite streamers from screening-ionization waves in the lower ionosphere
A Luque, U Ebert
Nature Geoscience 2 (11), 757-760, 2009
Sprites in varying air density: Charge conservation, glowing negative trails and changing velocity
A Luque, U Ebert
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (6), 2010
Interaction of streamer discharges in air and other oxygen-nitrogen mixtures
A Luque, U Ebert, W Hundsdorfer
Physical review letters 101 (7), 075005, 2008
Electrostatic trapping as a key to the dynamics of plasmas, fluids and other collective systems
A Luque, H Schamel
Physics reports 415 (5-6), 261-359, 2005
Density models for streamer discharges: beyond cylindrical symmetry and homogeneous media
A Luque, U Ebert
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (3), 904-918, 2012
Mesospheric electric breakdown and delayed sprite ignition caused by electron detachment
A Luque, FJ Gordillo-Vázquez
Nature Geoscience 5 (1), 22-25, 2012
Growing discharge trees with self-consistent charge transport: the collective dynamics of streamers
A Luque, U Ebert
New Journal of Physics 16 (1), 013039, 2014
Electron density fluctuations accelerate the branching of positive streamer discharges in air
A Luque, U Ebert
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
Quantum corrected electron holes
A Luque, H Schamel, R Fedele
Physics Letters A 324 (2-3), 185-192, 2004
Kinetic theory of periodic hole and double layer equilibria in pair plasmas
H Schamel, A Luque
New Journal of Physics 7 (1), 69, 2005
Multiple scales in streamer discharges, with an emphasis on moving boundary approximations
U Ebert, F Brau, G Derks, W Hundsdorfer, CY Kao, C Li, A Luque, ...
Nonlinearity 24 (1), C1, 2010
Saffman-Taylor streamers: Mutual finger interaction in spark formation
A Luque, F Brau, U Ebert
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1 …, 2008
PumpKin: A tool to find principal pathways in plasma chemical models
AH Markosyan, A Luque, FJ Gordillo-Vázquez, U Ebert
Computer Physics Communications 185 (10), 2697-2702, 2014
Blue optical observations of narrow bipolar events by ASIM suggest corona streamer activity in thunderstorms
S Soler, FJ PérezInvernón, FJ GordilloVázquez, A Luque, D Li, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (16), e2020JD032708, 2020
Near infrared and ultraviolet spectra of TLEs
FJ GordilloVázquez, A Luque, M Simek
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A5), 2012
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