Agustin Mihi
Agustin Mihi
ICMAB CSIC Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona
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Oriented colloidalcrystal thin films by spincoating microspheres dispersed in volatile media
A Mihi, M Ocaña, H Míguez
Advanced materials 18 (17), 2244-2249, 2006
Large-area flexible 3D optical negative index metamaterial formed by nanotransfer printing
D Chanda, K Shigeta, S Gupta, T Cain, A Carlson, A Mihi, AJ Baca, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (7), 402-407, 2011
Gold nanoparticle plasmonic superlattices as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates
C Matricardi, C Hanske, JL Garcia-Pomar, J Langer, A Mihi, ...
ACS nano 12 (8), 8531-8539, 2018
Porous onedimensional photonic crystals improve the powerconversion efficiency of dyesensitized solar cells
S Colodrero, A Mihi, L Häggman, M Ocana, G Boschloo, A Hagfeldt, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (7), 764-770, 2009
Origin of light-harvesting enhancement in colloidal-photonic-crystal-based dye-sensitized solar cells
A Mihi, H Míguez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (33), 15968-15976, 2005
Multidimensional architectures for functional optical devices
KA Arpin, A Mihi, HT Johnson, AJ Baca, JA Rogers, JA Lewis, PV Braun
Advanced Materials 22 (10), 1084-1101, 2010
Coupling of plasmonic and optical cavity modes in quasi-three-dimensional plasmonic crystals
D Chanda, K Shigeta, T Truong, E Lui, A Mihi, M Schulmerich, PV Braun, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 479, 2011
Hydroxypropyl cellulose photonic architectures by soft nanoimprinting lithography
A Espinha, C Dore, C Matricardi, MI Alonso, AR Goñi, A Mihi
Nature Photonics, 2018
Spectral response of opal-based dye-sensitized solar cells
A Mihi, ME Calvo, JA Anta, H Miguez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (1), 13-17, 2008
Transfer of preformed threedimensional photonic crystals onto dyesensitized solar cells
A Mihi, C Zhang, PV Braun
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (25), 5712-5715, 2011
Photoelectric energy conversion of plasmon-generated hot carriers in metal–insulator–semiconductor structures
FP García de Arquer, A Mihi, D Kufer, G Konstantatos
ACS nano 7 (4), 3581-3588, 2013
Dielectric planar defects in colloidal photonic crystal films
N Tétreault, A Mihi, H Míguez, I Rodríguez, GA Ozin, F Meseguer, V Kitaev
Advanced Materials 16 (4), 346-349, 2004
Full spectrum enhancement of the light harvesting efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells by including colloidal photonic crystal multilayers
A Mihi, FJ López-Alcaraz, H Míguez
Applied physics letters 88 (19), 2006
Solvent-assisted self-assembly of gold nanorods into hierarchically organized plasmonic mesostructures
C Hanske, EH Hill, D Vila-Liarte, G González-Rubio, C Matricardi, A Mihi, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (12), 11763-11771, 2019
Multiplex SERS detection of metabolic alterations in tumor extracellular media
J Plou, I García, M Charconnet, I Astobiza, C GarcíaAstrain, C Matricardi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (17), 1910335, 2020
Spatial light interference tomography (SLIT)
Z Wang, DL Marks, PS Carney, LJ Millet, MU Gillette, A Mihi, PV Braun, ...
Optics express 19 (21), 19907-19918, 2011
Large-area plasmonic-crystal–hot-electron-based photodetectors
FP García de Arquer, A Mihi, G Konstantatos
ACS photonics 2 (7), 950-957, 2015
Perfecting imperfection—designer defects in colloidal photonic crystals
A Arsenault, F Fleischhaker, G von Freymann, V Kitaev, H Miguez, A Mihi, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (20), 2779-2785, 2006
TemplatedAssembly of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals into 2D Photonic Supercrystals with Amplified Spontaneous Emission
D VilaLiarte, MW Feil, A Manzi, JL GarciaPomar, H Huang, M Döblinger, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (40), 17750-17756, 2020
Building Nanocrystalline Planar Defects within SelfAssembled Photonic Crystals by SpinCoating
R Pozas, A Mihi, M Ocaña, H Míguez
Advanced Materials 18 (9), 1183-1187, 2006
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