Hao Tong
Hao Tong
University of Birmingham
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Cited by
Surrogate models in evolutionary single-objective optimization: A new taxonomy and experimental study
H Tong, C Huang, LL Minku, X Yao
Information Sciences 562, 414-437, 2021
Voronoi-based efficient surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for very expensive problems
H Tong, C Huang, J Liu, X Yao
2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1996-2003, 2019
A Novel Generalised Meta-Heuristic Framework for Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problems
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1-15, 2022
A hybrid local search framework for the dynamic capacitated arc routing problem
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2021
fSDE: efficient evolutionary optimisation for many-objective aero-engine calibration
J Liu, Q Zhang, J Pei, H Tong, X Feng, F Wu
Complex & Intelligent Systems 8 (4), 2731-2747, 2022
Reinforcement learning with dual-observation for general video game playing
C Hu, Z Wang, T Shu, H Tong, J Togelius, X Yao, J Liu
IEEE Transactions on Games 15 (2), 202-216, 2022
Towards novel meta-heuristic algorithms for dynamic capacitated arc routing problems
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN XVI: 16th International Conference …, 2020
Algorithm portfolio for individual-based surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms
H Tong, J Liu, X Yao
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 943-950, 2019
Local optima correlation assisted adaptive operator selection
J Pei, H Tong, J Liu, Y Mei, X Yao
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 339-347, 2023
What makes the dynamic capacitated arc routing problem hard to solve: insights from fitness landscape analysis
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 305-313, 2022
Benchmarking Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Algorithms Using Real-World Traffic Simulation
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2022
Algorithm Portfolio for Parameter Tuned Evolutionary Algorithms
H Tong, S Zhang, C Huang, X Yao
2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1849-1856, 2019
Learning-Based Problem Reduction for Large-Scale Uncapacitated Facility Location Problems
S Zhang, Y Yang, H Tong, X Yao
2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2024
Evaluating Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problems Based on a Novel Lower Bound Method
H Tong, LL Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
Generate Competitive Solutions for Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem by Learning from Small Instances
S Zhang, H Tong, J Liu, X Yao
Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2023
A Novel Optimization Framework for Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problems
H Tong, L Minku, S Menzel, B Sendhoff, X Yao
GECCO’23 Companion, 2023
Simpler is Sometimes Better: A Dynamic Aero-Engine Calibration Study
H Tong, Q Zhang, C Hu, X Feng, F Wu, J Liu
International Conference on Sensing and Imaging, 343-352, 2022
Learning Boosts Optimisation: Surrogate-Assisted Real Engine Calibration
H Tong, J Pei, Q Zhang, J Liu, X Feng, F Wu
2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-7, 2021
Data-driven Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Dynamic Capacitated Arc Route Problem
H Tong
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Articles 1–19